Tuesday, July 26, 2011


            The people of Midway, GA have a problem.  They have a police chief who thinks the citizens of that town are stupid.  The police chief thinks the citizens of Midway, GA are so stupid she felt justified in shutting down two girls selling lemonade in front of their home.  The girls wanted to earn some money so they could go to the water park Splash near where they lived.  The police must not have been too busy that day since they felt it necessary to protect the citizenry from the evils of young girls selling lemonade. 
            Their Police Chief at Midway, GA is an interesting female by the name of Kelly Morningstar.  Chief Morningstar felt she had some valid reasons to shut down the lemonade stand.  She said they were not aware of how the lemonade was made, who made the lemonade, of what the lemonade was made with so she acted according to the city ordinance.  I disagree.  I think she acted according to the lack of brain cell activity possessed by she and anybody who believes Chief Morningstar did the right thing.

            Someone needs to get these people together and sit them down for a nice long talk.  I don’t know what planet Chief Morningstar is from but in the world where I grew up seeing lemonade stands in the summer run by kids trying to make a few dollars is almost an American tradition.  I come from a long line of summer lemonade stand entrepreneurs.  My father had one when he was a kid, I had one growing up and my daughter had one when she was younger.  As someone with such an extensive lemonade stand background I find her statements absurd.
            Chief Morningstar claims she didn’t know how the lemonade was made.  Someone should tell this policewoman making lemonade is not a really complex operation.  These days you usually go to a store, buy some lemonade mix, put some of that in a pitcher, throw in some water and presto you have lemonade.  With her lack of knowledge when it comes to preparing things I can only imagine it’s best to avoid what she brings to a picnic.
            She also claims she didn’t know who made the lemonade of what the lemonade was made with.  I’m sure if she watches reruns of some detective shows she can sharpen those law enforcement skills of hers and discover it just may have been the little girls or their parents who made the lemonade.  It’s just a wild guess on my part.  Chief Morningstar claims she didn’t know what the lemonade was made with.  I guess there’s been a widespread occurrence of lemonade and illegal drug stands around Midway, GA.  Maybe she could’ve field tested the lemonade for drugs or any other horrible thing that could have been contained in the drinks sold at lemonade stands. 
            “Did you test the lemonade from those little girls’s stand?”
            “Is it filled with illegal substances that will enable us to arrest them right now?”
            “Not really.”
            “What did you find?”
            “They used the really cheap lemonade mix.”
            “That’s all I need.  We must protect the public from cheap lemonade mixes.  You put on the handcuffs and I’ll read them their rights.”
            Now here’s where the police chief let the people of Midway know she thinks they’re a bunch of idiots.  She said based on the city ordinance the girls must have a business license, peddler’s permit and food permit in order to set up shop even on residential property.  Huh?  Unfortunately I can read and the Midway, GA city ordinances are online.  They define a business as “Any person shall be deemed to be engaged in business and thus subject to the requirements of this article when…selling any goods or service or solicits business or offers goods or services for sale for payment in an attempt to make a profit…”
            I don’t believe people who walk upright and are literate could consider two girls trying to make some money from a lemonade stand in order to go to a water park a profit driven business venture.  If they do they’ve never had a lemonade stand as a kid.  Selling that stuff gets boring after awhile.  The life expectancy of a lemonade stand is usually a few hours.  The novelty wears off pretty quick and then doing other fun summer stuff seems more important.
            Since the lemonade stand was shut down the girls have been doing extra chores and yard work to make money.  (If any member of the Midway, GA police department is reading this the following is sarcasm.  I think it may even be legal in your town.  I suggest you check your city ordinances) Where are the police on this one?  Why don’t they shut down girls doing yard work?  I’m sure they don’t know the skill level of the kids when it comes to using yard working tools.  Do they know where the tools came from or even what’s in the yards they’ll be working on for money?  How can the public feel safe if the police department shuts down renegade lemonade stands yet ignores the risk of yard work?
            The real sad part is the girls were probably having fun selling lemonade at their stand.  It’s a great way to learn about business and earning money.  The lesson the police provided for these girls was that government always tries to control you and thinks you’re stupid.  I guess it’s a lesson they had to learn sooner or later. 

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