Thursday, July 28, 2011


            The people in our government who are in charge of running the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have now officially lost their collective minds.  They have created a new program and have invested millions of tax-payer dollars on called “See Something Say Something.”  They’re providing the illusion of trying to protect citizens by having other citizens report activity they consider suspicious to local authorities.  I think suspicious is a pretty broad assumption.
            “I’m reporting you to Homeland Security.”
            “For what?”
            “Suspicious activity.”
            “What suspicious activity?”
            “Last week you got a new garbage can.”
            “I got tired of dragging the old one out to the curb and got one with wheels.”
            “Seems pretty suspicious to me.”
            The DHS decided to demonstrate their brilliance by investing $10 million dollars on a video for this program.  During the video white people are depicted as the terrorists but fear not, because black people, hispanic people and oriental people report them to the authorities and save the day.  It says not to pay attention to a person’s race in determining if they’re a terrorist.  I guess this is a good rule to follow unless you’re the DHS making a video about terrorism.  Then it’s important to show only white people as the terrorists.

            The video shows newspaper stories about Ted Kaczynski who was the Unabomber, Timothy McVeigh who blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, the blond terrorist wanna be with blue eyes, Colleen Renee LaRose otherwise known as Jihad Jane.  This is the woman who never really committed an act of terrorism but conspired to help terrorists.  This is what DHS used as examples of terrorists.
I think with a little effort they might have included some stories from 9/11 and a few more.  I hate to be the one to point this out but I think the face of the modern terrorist is a little bit different.  Someone needs to tell Janet Napolitano and her gang at the DHS that she needs to lose some weight, get a new hairstyle and explain also to them the reason the DHS was created.  It wasn’t because of Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski or Colleen Renee LaRose.  The DHS was created after our country was attacked by Muslim men.  Muslim men are the ones who crashed planes into buildings killing thousands of people.  Maybe it’s me but I think if that 10 minute video the DHS made was worth anything it just might have mentioned that little detail.
            I wonder if the DHS knows that after blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh didn’t stand there yelling “God is Great.”  Do they realize that Ted Kaczynsk didn’t learn his trade at a training camp in the Middle East?  Are they aware that Colleen Renee LaRose actually tried to work with Muslim men to perform acts of terrorism?  It was a Muslim man who killed the soldiers at Fort Hood.  It was a Muslim man who tried to blow up a plane with a shoe bomb.  It was a Muslim man who tried to blow up a plane with an underwear bomb.  Maybe it’s me but I see a pattern here.  Fool that I am I just assumed the DHS did also.  (If Janet Napolitano is reading this the previous sentence was sarcasm and in no way represent an act of terrorism from a middle class white person.)
            I suppose we can’t expect much from an organization that now requires all of us to be radiated or molested in order to fly in a plane.  What’s next?  Is the DHS going to make a film that shows legions of white terrorists being stopped from murder and mayhem by Muslim men?  Given their inability to display reality I bet it’s been considered.
            I can’t speak for every neighborhood but where I live we don’t need DHS to tell anybody to see something and say something.  We have plenty of people who sit in their houses and see everything and say something even if you don’t wan to hear it.
            “Did you see the car our neighbor’s bought?  How can they afford such a thing on what that man makes at his job?”
            “How do you know how much he makes at his job?”
            “I don’t know but that car is too much for their budget.  They don’t even have a pool at their house.”
            “Maybe you should mind your own business.”
            “And people like you wonder why I have the DHS on speed dial.”
            “Never mind Mr. I really need to do some lawn work.”
            Maybe I should participate in the DHS program “See Something, Say Something.”  What I see is a department of the United States government acting like we’re in Nazi Germany where the citizens were encouraged to report on each other in order to create a police state.  I see the DHS failing badly at airport security as they’ve admitted to over 25,000 breaches of security during the time they’ve run things.  I see people such as six-year-old children, old people in wheelchairs and handicapped people who don’t fit the profile of a terrorist being treated as if they just came from a terrorist training camp in the middle east.  I see Americans having their fourth amendment rights obliterated in the name of security.  The only problem is I don’t think the DHS is the organization I want to say something to.

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