Tuesday, July 5, 2011


            Al Gore has a problem.  In his mind he is a champion of the environment doing all he can to save the planet.  He feels the best way for this to happen is for other people to follow his recommendations on how they should live.  All the people who are dumb enough to actually give value to what Al Gore says often fail to understand he wants THEM to do what he says, but Enviro-Gore feels he’s just too important to follow his own recommendations. 
            The former vice-president is running around telling people that humans are responsible for global warming.  I can honestly say there isn’t a winter I experience I don’t wish for more global warming.  Sitting inside listening the furnace run while the temperature is below zero outside makes me want to welcome global warming with open arms.  During the cold winter months I take every chance to put more carbon into the air in hopes of things warming up.  I suggest Eco-Gore spend a winter up here in the east or even in the New England area.  I bet his attitude would change then.
            Gore does like to attack oil companies.  There is only one problem with his stance against oil companies; he owns a lot of oil company stock.  Gore’s family has large stock holdings in Occidental Petroleum to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.  When asked about this nature-man Gore responds like it doesn’t exist.
            “Mr. Gore since you’re against big oil companies will you divest your holdings in Occidental Petroleum?”
            “Occidental what?”
            “Petroleum, Occidental Petroleum you own hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of their stock.”
            “Accidental shock, what’s that?”
            “Occidental Petroleum stock, are you going to divest your holdings in Occidental Petroleum stock?”
            “What about my socks?”
            Of course as Al Gore is asking everyone to curtail their lifestyle and cut down on their carbon footprint as he continues to live rather large.  He has a 10,000 square foot property in Nashville and a 4,000-square foot home in Arlington, VA.  These two residences drink more energy than participants at a Gatorade sponsored marathon.  At both of the Gore residences local utility companies offer wind energy as an alternative to traditional energy.  When confronted with this Al Gore will shrug and say they’re looking into making the switch at both homes.  That was six years ago.  I think if this man was ever hooked up to a lie detector he just might make the machine melt.
            Eco-Gore back in 2007 finally admitted that he did have what some people might consider a bit of a large carbon footprint from his houses, flying on private planes etc.  He decided he would make amends and live a carbon neutral lifestyle by buying carbon credits.  Carbon credits are those investment scams which are designed to be so full of absolute nonsense regular people throw up their hands and say “Whatever.”
            You buy carbon credits so you can emit carbon dioxide.  Huh?  If anybody reading this has purchased carbon credits boy do I have some great planets in another galaxy I could sell you.  I think I’ll start a company where people can pay me for their flatulation.  I bet it harms the environment also.  If I get a list of the people who bought those carbon credits I think I’ll make quite a bit of money selling flatulation credits.
            Al Gore was willing to buy carbon credits but only from the carbon credit company that he owned.  What a guy?
            It seems that many people are now looking at Al Gore and climate change and saying “Yeah, yeah, sure, right, whatever you say, come spend the winter at my home in Philadelphia.”
            So now planet savior Gore has recently switched gears.  He’s now telling people not to have so many children to help stabilize the population of the world and avert a climate crisis.  Since this is coming from a guy who has four children I can only say he’s consistent.  What’s next with this Gore?  Child bearing carbon credits?  I’m sure his current carbon company sees a huge market for it.  Can somebody please get this guy a job?
            “I would love to have a large family.”
            “Sorry we can only afford child bearing carbon credits for two children.”
            “Don’t worry.  My father’s purchased additional credits so we can have the five children like we’ve always wanted.”
            “Guess what?  My parents are giving us carbon credits so we can grill, have a large SUV and fly as often as we like, but still be carbon neutral.”
            “Isn’t it great we are able to create as much carbon dioxide as we want and the planet won’t be harmed because we’ve paid money to people like Al Gore?”  It’s so nice we can cure climate change buy simply paying money.”
            “I’ll say.”
            If anyone reading this still believes in what Al Gore says it begs the questions; are you nuts, gonzo in the garbanzo or just plain stupid?  In any case there is something wrong.  I’ve talked with global warming, climate change believer’s etc.  It’s a shame that everyone wants to be a part of a cause so badly they don’t even care if it’s true or not.  Feeling as if they’re saving the planet must make them feel so noble.  A scientific fact is something that is irrefutable.  It can’t be denied.  Any idea man can change temperature on the planet is just a theory.  It’s not been proven.  I think the best way to save the planet is for people to start filling their emotional needs with truth and reality instead of unproven disasters.

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