Friday, June 3, 2011

Roswell's Lucrative UFO Encounter


Unless you’re from another planet (Ha Ha) you’re probably aware of the UFO incident that occurred at Roswell, NM.  It seems decades ago an object crashed near the town of Roswell, NM.  It is alleged that an extra-terrestrial spacecraft complete with alien occupants was responsible for the crash.  This upset the government quite a bit.  They had no idea how people would react to space aliens crashing flying saucers into our deserts.  I’m sure it was assumed that once attorneys got involved the interplanetary laws governing the estates of deceased aliens would’ve made the entire episode an administrative nightmare.  Faced with such a difficult situation the government did what it does best; the government lied to us about it.

       On July 8, 1947, public information officer Walter Haut issued a press release about the incident stating a flying disk had been recovered from a ranch near Roswell, NM.  The following day the Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force stated contradicted his story.

     I wonder what he said to people?

     “That Walter Haut is such a nut.  Did he say, Flying Saucer?  I’m telling you he’s one person who just loves to play games with people in the press.  Guess what?  It wasn’t a flying saucer; it was really a weather balloon.  Why did my man Walter do such a silly thing like tell you guys it was disk?  Hey, I don’t know.  All I can say is he gets in these strange moods sometimes.  Now go about your business and forget about this and the fact it ever happened.  You can even forget about Walter.”

            After that statement from the Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force people forgot about the crash and that silly Walter for decades.  Then in 1978, a physicist named Stanton T. Friedman interviewed a Major who was involved with the recovery of the debris in 1947.  This Major believed the military had covered up the recovery of an alien spacecraft.  For some reason, nobody was surprised, shocked or even a bit miffed by this.

        In 1980 the National Enquirer ran an interview with the Major and it brought worldwide attention to Roswell, NM.  In 1990 Friedman, William Moore, Karl T. Flock, and others interviewed hundreds of people who had or claimed to have been connected with the events at Roswell in 1947.  They also obtained hundreds of documents via Freedom of Information Act and concluded at least one alien craft had crashed in the Roswell, NM vicinity.

            In 1994 the Air Force published a report about the incident.  It concluded that "Aliens" observed in the New Mexico desert were actually anthropomorphic test dummies that were carried aloft by U.S. Air Force high altitude balloons for scientific research.  I’m sure it’s an easy mistake to make because when I’m looking at anthropomorphic test dummies I’m thinking space aliens.

         If that’s the case then why have all this intense secrecy about it for so long?  The government must really think we’re stupid.  I hope they don’t believe they govern people who all have IQs with a decimal point in the front.

            There is now a new book out called “Area 51; An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base,” by Annie Jacobsen.  In it, she claims it was not an alien spaceship that came down in 1947 near Roswell but a Soviet spy plane with a crew of malformed adolescents.  Who knew our country had come under attack by malformed Soviet adolescents who flew planes?  Most well-formed adolescents I know can barely ride a bike without causing trouble.  I can’t imagine what would happen if they were permitted to fly planes.

            The book alleges that Josef Stalin was very impressed with the mass hysteria caused by the 1938 radio broadcast of H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds.”  He is said to have enlisted the help of Nazi Josef Mengele, known as the “Angel of Death for his experiments on concentration camp inmates.  Mengele supposedly surgically altered a group of children to make them look like space aliens.  These kids were then placed on a remotely controlled disc-shaped craft and flown all the way to the United States to cause “War of the World” type hysterics.  Wow.  It boggles the mind what mass-murdering psychopaths think up when they have too much time on their hands.  This is one after-school program I would not want my child to attend.

            Today the people of Roswell have reacted to their sudden burst of attention with all the enthusiasm that makes capitalism the envy of the world.  They began a UFO museum to showcase all the information about the Roswell incident and other UFO phenomena.  They’ve put alien eyes on lampposts and space ship logos are used at a local car dealer.  They’ve created a UFO Festival complete with nightly live music and food vendors.  Who knew that little green men crashing into their desert could put so much green in their pockets?

            I have no idea what really happened in 1947 at Roswell, NM.  It will probably go down in history as one of the great unknown incidents of our time.  I do know there are probably a lot of small towns around the country hoping for just one alien aircraft crash near them.  They could use all the fame and finical benefits that go with it.

Here is a link to a story about it.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day.

It is called: Why Some White People Want To Be Black

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