Tuesday, November 12, 2019

According to a Study: School Suspensions Cause Academic Problems. A Real Story.

I will confess to having been suspended during my early academic experience. It was a time when there were no programs to stop bullying. When I was growing up, the only way to defeat a bully was to engage them in the age-old tradition of fisticuffs. The school administration really didn't care who started a fight. In their minds, it was a fight, and all involved should be punished. Younger generations can put their hands over their mouths and gasp when I tell them about another aspect of my schooling experience, we were also hit with a paddle. So, you take on someone who is bullying you and stand up to them to try and stop it. At that time, your reward was to get hit with a paddle and given a suspension. School administrators would listen to what you had to say and then administered the punishment. Little did the school administration have any idea their actions caused me to experience severe academic problems. It had nothing to do with not studying or doing homework. My academic problem was caused by being suspended. There is now a study that supports these long-held beliefs of mine. Maybe being hit with a paddle also caused me to have latent emotional trauma. I wonder if this would qualify me for academic reparations?

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Researchers from the University of Michigan and Louisiana State University have found that students, especially boys, suspended from school while in kindergarten or first grade are more likely to be suspended again years later in elementary school and beyond. This can lead to a vicious cycle of more academic infractions that ultimately leads to these students dropping out of school altogether.

What would you have to do to get suspended from kindergarten? If you are acting up at that age, I think school suspension isn't the answer. Maybe it's time to seek counseling or an exorcist for your child. One of them is bound to work. If you get suspended at this age, you are on a path to a career of academic infractions. You may also be on a path so a psych ward or state prison. By the time you reached high school, you'd begin to plan out your school year based on the suspensions you expected to receive. I guess you'd be suspended a lot, but you'd also have great organizational skills.

Schools at every level use suspension as a way to discipline and remove disruptive students from classrooms. However, the study’s findings have caused researchers to question whether this disciplinary structure is really the best way to deal with problem children, especially at such a young and impressionable age.

(Sarcasm Alert)

They also use it to punish a guy who is defending himself against a bully, but I'm not bitter. I don't know if this works either. After being suspended for doing battle with one bully another came along. I wondered if they had some sort of bully training complex hidden deep within the school. There were times I thought it was mandated by the state that each school meet their required number of school bullies.

This study states it may not be the best way to deal with disciplinary problems, but what is the solution? Getting time away from school is sort of a suspension motivation. How about electroshock therapy? Maybe a school should zap a few bullies in front of the school to put the others on notice. If they want to make some money for school activities, they could raffle off pressing the button to zap a bully. I think it could be a win-win situation for schools around the country.

The study also shows that, not surprisingly, young boys described by teachers as “aggressive, defiant and disruptive” were more likely to be suspended than girls, and were less engaged in the classroom. Girls who were considered disruptive and whose parents showed little interest in their education was also at a higher risk.

Here's the problem. Telling a young boy he is defiant, aggressive and disruptive would be a good thing to them. They are great nicknames. What young boy wouldn't want to be called Defiant David, Aggressive Andy or Disruptive Daniel? I know some adults who would love to be called such names.

Having school discipline problems are something that has happened since there has been school. Today, school administrators have a form of discipline that strikes terror and such intense fear into the hearts of school kids, it is considered worse than being disciplined with a paddle. Children now have to face the possibility of having their phone taken away from them. I'm sure many of them would rather face a paddle than give up their phone. It wouldn't surprise me if there is a child who has had his phone taken away because he stood up to a bully. School history is filled with such individuals. Trust me, I know.

Below is a link to the story.


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