Monday, October 28, 2019

Man Arrested in China for Giving Dogs Illegal Names. A Real Story

I have heard some names for dogs that I thought should be made illegal. There was a person who gave his dog the name of Dog. That lack of creativity and effort should be at the very least a misdemeanor. I knew a man who had a rather terrible divorce and named his dog after his former mother-in-law. When I asked him why, he said because his dog was a real bi#%h, just like his former mother-in-law. That should be worthy of a fine and probation. A guy in college named his dog Happy Henry Hump-a-lot. I believe that should be a felony and come with jail time. What I've written about punishment is fictional. It has nothing to do with real laws. In China, things are a bit different. A man was arrested by police for giving his dogs names that were illegal. There are a lot of things to make illegal, I think making laws to cover the naming of pets is a bit extreme. I do think there could be an exception made for someone naming their dog Happy Henry Hump-a-lot.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A dog breeder in eastern China was detained by police on Monday after giving his two dogs "illegal" names that refer to government and civil service workers.

I guess government and civil service workers in China don't have much of a sense of humor. I wonder if he gave his dogs names like government office zombie or bumbling bureaucratic bulldog. I suppose the Chinese government would not appreciate naming a dog the kick-back Keeshond or corrupt Kuvasz. With my sense of humor, China would have me in jail before you could say, Pekingese political pundit.

The dog's names ended up attracting controversy because "Chengguan" are officials employed in urban areas to tackle low-level crime, while "Xieguan" are informal community workers such as traffic assistants, according to the BBC.

Zhangzhou Police said on Chinese social media site Weibo the information was "insulting law enforcement personnel," and prompted an investigation to be launched.

I guess the law enforcement personnel in China are a little sensitive. I don't think anyone would be offended here if we called our dogs magistrate or traffic cop. Here, it may be considered a sign of respect. It is so crazy in the United States, someone could name their dog after a police officer and then invite the police officer to the dog's birthday party. It could be complete with balloons, games and more.

Authorities added that "in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishment," the man must spend 10 days in an administrative detention center.

A police officer told the newspaper Beijing News that Ban had been increasingly provocative on his WeChat account and his actions had "caused great harm to the nation and the city's urban management, in terms of their feelings," according to the BBC.

I can only imagine spending 10 days in jail because the government didn't like what you named your dog. It could be a problem if you named your dog nuclear launch code and had the launch code number in their collar, but other than that, I don't think it should be a problem. What kind of country has great harm because of what some guy names his dogs? Maybe the Chinese government should take into consideration the harm to the feelings of this man who is only guilty of giving his dogs the wrong names. Maybe we should consider how this makes the dogs feel. I'm certain the man is not brimming with joy and mirth over it. They are just dogs minding their own business being dogs, doing dog stuff and their owner is put in jail because of what he named them. These dogs are probably going to have to be in doggy therapy for a long time after this is over.

Ban, who local media outlets reported as being remorseful over his actions said he had just given the dogs the names "for fun."
"I don't know the law, I don't know if it is illegal," he told Fuyang News.

Interesting how it was reported by Fuyang News. I bet we have some news outlets in the United States providing some Fuyang News, and it is not a good thing. I don't understand why he couldn't get off with a warning.

Sir, did you name your dogs after traffic assistants and magistrates?”
Well, I guess I did, See, where I live we have this traffic cop who looks just like a bulldog, I thought the name fit and I named my bulldog after him.”
Why did you name your other dog magistrate?”
Oh, well, that dog, yeah, see, it just doesn't poop as he should. He's always full of crap, so I thought magistrate would be a good name for him.”
You have done serious harm to our country and our government in terms of their feelings. I sentence you to 10 days in jail.”
Why? You guys have all the money. Why don't you just get them therapy if they're so upset? Maybe join a feeling hurt by having a dog named after you support group. If they're so fragile, they get upset over having a dog named after them, they need help. I hope you never find out what I named my cat and goldfish.”
Never mind, I'm tired of dealing with a bunch of fuyang governmental bureaucrats.”

Below is a link to the story.

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