Monday, December 22, 2014

Actual Story: Teacher Uses 'Wheel of Misfortune' To Discipline Students

I am a person who regularly watches “Wheel of Fortune” on television. Like millions of other individuals, I try to solve the puzzles and dream of being on the show and winning. This is not reality for many people. Most of us will go no further than watching Pat and Vanna on television.  We'll express to those around us how we could have done a better job than the actual contestants.

There is a teacher in Washington state who tried to bring the idea of spinning a wheel into her classroom. Maybe she's not happy there is such a slim chance of being on “Wheel of Fortune.”  I'm sure her chances of being on the show and winning are the same as mine and yours. Her students got to spin a wheel. The teacher called it a 'wheel of misfortune' and it enabled students to leave the punishment they received up to chance.

(Sarcasm Alert) I must admit this is a huge departure from what I experienced in public school. I attended school at a time when teachers could administer corporal punishment. The only choice we may have had was which paddle the teacher or administrator would use to deliver our punishment.

I was once sent to the principal's office with two other young men for not properly partaking in the stipulated class curriculum presented by the teacher. We were all just being teenage idiots. It earned us a trip to the office. I can only imagine what it would have been like if we could've chosen the paddles to be used on us.

I see you've been sent here for disrupting class. This will get you two swats with the paddle of your choice. Here are your paddle selections.”
I think I'll get my swats with model x7z model. It's sleek and has little wind resistance.”
Excellent choice and how about you?”
I would like the Swatmaster 2000. It's gotten great reviews.”
Another outstanding choice, and how about you?”
I'll go with the handmade granny model. Its reputation for being dependable is hard to ignore.”
I see all of you know your paddles. Now bend over so we can get this swatting finished.”

This is an actual story. Below are excerpts of the story in bold, and my valuable insights are in italics.

A Washington state teacher who allowed students to spin a “Wheel of Misfortune” to avoid detention is keeping her job after an investigation determined her use of the spinning wheel to dole out punishments was an “inappropriate classroom management technique,” but not bullying.

So students were given a choice to spin the wheel or take detention. When I was a kid, this would've been fun to me. Let's remember, I grew up when paddles were part of student discipline. This school believes spinning a wheel to determine punishment is an “inappropriate classroom management technique.” I guess it's easier to say this rather than “Our teacher with a Vanna White obsession got a little crazy with punishment for her students.”

Kemberly Patteson, 41, is a science teacher at Stevenson High School in Skamania County. The Stevenson-Carson School District put her on administrative leave and removed the spinning wheel from the classroom Oct. 9 after cellphone videos surfaced showing students in her class being pelted with soft rubber balls by other classmates after they spun the wheel for minor infractions.

I'm sorry, throwing soft rubber balls at a student or having them thrown at you is something I would have considered fun. In the video, the student is hitting the soft rubber balls with her book. Does anyone in the modern educational system have a sense of humor? Teachers are having affairs with their students, helping students to cheat on state exams and doing many other questionable things. This could've also been used as a way to teach science. What number of soft rubber balls can be thrown at a student before she complains and ruins it for everyone?

I was chewing gum in class,” Zoey Zapf told KATU-TV. “She looked over and she told me to spin the wheel and that’s like a normal thing.”
Zapf spun the wheel, which landed on “cush firing squad.” She said classmates and Patteson took turns hitting her with a Koosh ball.

Playing with Koosh balls during class is punishment? Puhleeeeze! I would like to say to this student “Zoey, tell me if you knew you weren't supposed to chew gum in class? Zoey, you broke the rules and like everyone you get punished. Were you given the option to serve detention and refused? Zoey, how many kids throw Koosh balls at one another away from class as a way to have fun? Why were you chewing gum in class? How did you want to be punished?” If you weren't chewing gum in class would this have happened?” 

I think not.

I clearly said that I didn’t want to do this, and after that I found out that you can opt out with a lunch detention,” said Zapf, a 15-year-old sophomore, told KATU. “And when I said I don’t want to do this, she said, ‘too bad’ or something, and I got pelted.”

The story has a quote from 15-year-old sophomore Zoey. Where is a quote from the teacher? Where is a quote from other students about this incident who were in the classroom? How about administrators? I would settle for the janitorial staff that possibly spent their free time in this classroom throwing Koosh balls at one another.  I wonder what the "or something" is in this story.

The video shows Zapf using a textbook to shield her face as the Koosh ball is thrown at her. Her mother then lodged a bullying complaint against Patteson prompting the teacher’s suspension.

(Sarcasm Alert) This is a great lesson to teach your child. If you break the rules and don't like your punishment, file a complaint against the teacher. Include the word “bullying” to make it seem real serious. This way if Zoey breaks the law as an adult, she'll know it will not be her fault. The police and court system are just being bullies. I wonder if she believes she'll get to choose her punishment as an adult?

That ended Thursday (Teacher Suspension) when the district announced the results of its investigation. The district said the investigation found the teacher used poor judgment, but never intended to hurt or embarrass students with the spinning wheel. The statement added that the district “planned to work with the teacher on more positive and productive classroom management skills going forward.”
Students said Patteson had been using the spinning wheel in her class for two years.

I wonder what happened to Zoey. Did she ever come to realize she shouldn't have been chewing gum in class? The teacher's career now has a black mark. She'll be labeled as someone who used poor judgment. Teachers are told to be creative and innovative in their classrooms. Until one single student doesn't feel they should be punished. The student isn't considered wrong; it's the punishment. The spinning wheel had been in use for two years. How many students probably had fun with the wheel? We don't know. They were either never interviewed or quoted. We don't know anything positive about the wheel because the teacher was either not interviewed or quoted. We don't even know what other types of punishments were on the wheel. This is called an unbalanced story. I'm sure there is a lot more to this story than a 15-year-old high school sophomore who didn't like her punishment for chewing gum in class.

I wonder if there were any other complaints about this wheel during the two years it was being used? I believe the administration and students knew about this wheel and thought it was fun. If it was so bad, it wouldn’t have taken two years for someone to complain. How about we make this part of the current judicial system?

To determine your punishment we're going to spin the federally sanctioned sentencing wheel.”
The wheel is spun and when it stops a judge takes a piece of paper from it.”
Looks like you get six months in county lockup after everyone in the courtroom throws Koosh balls at you.”
Your honor, could you spin the wheel one more time?”
Just then, a Koosh ball is hurled from the judge and hits the defendant in the head.
Nope, decision of the sentencing wheel is final. Better duck counselor.”
Koosh balls begin flying all over the courtroom as people begin laughing and having fun.

The judicial system would never be the same.

Wheel of Misfortune Story

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*ReadMikeNow is sent to subscribers every Monday.  Next week it will be sent on Friday to provide a humor column celebrating the new year.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Actual Story: Placenta Pills for Fun and Profit

I know we are a society addicted to taking pills. Today, you can take pills to improve your health, lose weight, get a tan and more. I suppose I should not be surprised the latest trend involves pills and becoming a parent. New mothers are now taking placenta pills. Not just any placenta. The placenta from their recent birth experience. I find this idea hard to swallow. (Sorry, I couldn't resist).

How long will it take before some enterprising entrepreneur sees the possibilities with this? Will we see celebrity placenta pills going for some outrageous prices?

I bought some of my favorite movie star's placenta pills as part of a charity auction. Now when I watch one of her movies I truly feel connected to her in a special way.”

How do you know it's her placenta pills? It could be placenta pills from anyone. Her pregnancy was never even mentioned in the media.”

It came with a boiler plate letter of authenticity with a fake signature stamped on it that looks like the movie star's handwriting.”


Maybe placenta pills will evolve into something that's collected and traded like baseball cards.

I'll give you five A-list actress placenta pills for five of your professional lady athlete placenta pills.”

No way. My professional lady athlete placenta pills came from her giving birth to twins. How about your five A-list actress placenta pills plus five of your lady politician placenta pills, since she just got reelected.?”

It's a deal.”

I'd hate to think about a rehab center for placenta pill addiction.

Below is an article about the placenta pill trend featured on NBC Los Angeles. The article is in bold and my valuable insights are in italics.


A growing number of alternative-health professionals are creating a new kind of post-natal vitamin using new mothers’ afterbirth, or placenta. Consuming pills made from placenta began as an ancient Chinese medicine, and some moms, including those in LA, say it’s making a noticeable difference in the 21st century.

I guess if it's part of ancient Chinese medicine it has to be good. This is healing that also involves snake bile for herbal cough formulas as well as consuming such critters as wingless cockroaches and molting cicadas as part of it. How many of these LA moms would call an exterminator if they actually saw some of the things used in ancient Chinese herbal remedies in their home?

A mother of three, Cynthia Cecil makes the pills at her Washington state home. She said the first placenta she ever processed was her own. "It doesn't look any different or taste any different than a pre-natal vitamin," said Cecil, who now helps other new moms process their placenta.

I imagine that marketing companies are already working on this one. I bet it's just a matter of time before we see gummy placenta pills.

First, the placenta is dehydrated in a machine for 16 hours. Then it’s blended into a powder and poured into capsules...Depending on its size, a woman’s placenta could yield hundreds of pills, taken just as daily supplements are consumed.

Investors are going to be getting calls from companies wanting to manufacture and offer “Home Placenta Pill Making Kits."  There will be books published like "How to get the most pills from the placenta you have.”

Advocates for the pills contend that retrieving those nutrients and hormones speeds up recovery time, helps with iron levels and milk supply, and can fight against postpartum depression. But critics, including an OB/GYN in Los Angeles, are concerned that unwanted bacteria could accompany those nutrients when women consume the non-regulated supplements.

Can you imagine what would happen if placenta pills were regulated by the FDA?  What would happen when a woman hears she can't have her placenta to make pills because it didn't meet FDA regulation standards?

Where's my placenta for my pills?”

We're sorry, it did not meet FDA standards. You do have the option of paying the government an absurd amount of money to retest it. You can also pay a company, who is a major financial contributor to the current administration, an absurd amount of money to make your placenta meet FDA standards.”

But it's my placenta.”

Not anymore.”

I predict the benefits of placenta pills will be realized someday.  Then the government is going to get involved. They will regulate, tax and control placenta pills with various laws. Special interest groups will then be formed.  Their goal will be placenta pill deregulation in response to governmental overreach. There may even be a march on Washington DC to “Free the Placenta.” A black market will be formed for illegal placenta pill distribution. I hope when this happens everyone remembers one thing, they read about it here first.



There are scientific studies conducted that render little or no useful information. I don't know who funds them or what is done with the results. It seems the only way these studies serve humanity is by being something people can find humorous.  I discuss this in my blog post

What happens when a police officer tells the truth about crime statistics in his community? When an honest police officer warns a young girl to stay out of a high crime area, his flaming idiot supervisor decides to punish him. I discuss this in the fourth edition of the coveted RMN Flaming Idiot Award.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Actual Study: Facebook is Responsible for Eating Disorders in Young Women

I know we live in a society of victims. Nobody is responsible for anything they do these days. If someone has a behavior that results in their life being unhappy, they are considered victims. (Sarcasm Alert) Why would anyone want to be responsible for their happiness? Why would anyone want to work hard to improve themselves? Being a victim is much easier and more popular. Nobody pays attention to people who are responsible. A victim gets attention while the person being responsible is ignored. Victims even have studies were done that validate their behavior. This way they can blame their eating disorders on social media sites and not on themselves.

This is an actual study. Below the study is in bold are my valuable insights in italics.

Facebook has become a global phenomenon and an active space for social comparison. With the increase in technology use, there is a positive correlation with decreased body image in young women. In a study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, 960 female college students were evaluated on the time they spend on social media sites, how important "likes" are, and whether or not they untag photos of themselves.

I wonder what colleges these female students were attending. It's a safe bet it wasn't a culinary school. If you speed an excessive amount of time on social media sites you're going to have a warped view of the world. It may even be understandable if you struggle being employed. In the realm of reality, people will let you know what they like. It takes more than clicking on a button. Maybe nobody told these young women that it's common to post a fake picture on Facebook.

"Over 95% of college women in our study use Facebook and those with Facebook accounts described typically spending 20 minutes on the site during each visit, amounting to over an hour on the site each day," said Dr. Pamela K. Keel

I wonder how much time the five percent who used other social sights spent there. Spending over an hour on Facebook each day translates into someone with too much time on their hands. Maybe they're actually spending time visiting sites dedicated food.

"In examining the immediate consequences of Facebook use, we found that 20 minutes of Facebook use contributed to the maintenance of higher weight and shape concerns and anxiety compared to a control internet condition. This the causal link is important because of anxiety and body image concerns both increase the risk for developing eating disorders," Keel stated.

If being on Facebook contributes to higher weight and shape concerns then maybe these girls shouldn't spend so much time on the internet. Could they spend this amount of time exercising combined rather than being on Facebook? This may decrease the incidents of higher weight and shape concerns. (Sarcasm Alert) I don't think this idea will ever be popular. This would require self-control, maturity as well as a young woman being responsible for herself. Why do that when you can easily do nothing and blame your poor body image on Facebook?

Although it is the main cause of the issue, Facebook could possibly become a maintenance factor for prevention programs. The main objective is to encourage women to develop a better self-image and practice responsible use of social media sites.

How about a program that teaches young women to not be bothered by what happens on Facebook? I know this is a radical idea. Imagine young women ignoring what happens on Facebook and not being influenced by it. That could change the world. Should this happen people who do meaningless studies may experience a decrease in work.

"Facebook merges powerful peer influences with broader societal messages that focus on the importance of woman’s appearance into a single platform that women carry with them throughout the day. As researchers and clinicians attempt to understand and address risk factors for eating disorders, greater attention is needed to the emerging role of social media in young people's lives."

I hate to mention this but Facebook only has the power over a person they permit it to have. The role of social media in eating disorders is that too many young women spend too much time on Facebook. If it bothers them there is always the option of not using Facebook. Maybe researchers should study the positive impact not being on Facebook has for young women with eating disorders.

Maybe I'm being a little too harsh. (Sarcasm Alert) I think social media sites are to blame for all my physical issues. I don't go on Facebook often but when I do I'm deeply affected by it. I also believe Facebook is responsible for me not winning the lottery, writing a Pulitzer Prize-winning book or being able to afford a Lamborghini. I don't know if Facebook is really responsible for all of that but it's not my fault. Wow, this victim-hood stuff is great. Where's my study?

STUDY: Anxiety over Facebook photos linked to eating disorders

Monday, March 3, 2014

Actual Story: Doggie Potheads

Any time there is a shift in societal behavior unexpected results will occur. With marijuana becoming legal in some states unanticipated consequences were bound to happen. I fear that many people with less than adequate levels of intelligence will not comprehend that marijuana is a drug. These people will be careless and cause problems within their home. It has already started to happen. Dogs who have eaten baked goods containing marijuana are showing up at animal hospitals at record levels.

Below is the news story in bold with my insights in italics.

DENVER (CBS4) – An animal hospital in Denver is seeing an increasing number of dogs who have eaten edible marijuana and is finding that the diagnosis isn’t good....since Jan. 1 the clinic says dogs have been getting into their owner’s supply of marijuana, specifically edibles. 

I don't know what's wrong with Fido. It looks like he's constantly laughing. He's eaten two cans of dog food, the cat's food, the rabbits food and scraps from our dinner that were in the garbage. I don't know what to do.”
Do you have any baked good in your home that contain marijuana?”
Only a few dozen cookies, some cakes, a few sweet rolls some doughnuts, a bunch of brownies and some pies.”
If Fido had any of the baked goods with marijuana it could be very bad for him.”
Oh, I thought just sprinkling a little bit on his food would make him happy.”
You do realize marijuana is a drug and not a food enhancer?”
Really? I thought it could be used either way. Can you help Fido?”
Yes, I'm going to put an ad in the local media to get him an owner who spends at least a few hours a day not wasted.”

The concern is that edibles have a concentration of marijuana meant for controlled human consumption and dogs weigh far less than humans and have no control.

I know people who struggle to comprehend that their dog is not a human. There are industries that sell these people the craziest things. I can see such an industry create “Doggy Detox.” It will be for the pet owner who accidentally got their dog hooked on drugs. I can see such a service provide counseling and a program to rid a dog of their addiction. I know there are people who will pay for it. Just like they pay for doggy massages, doggy birthday parties, doggy spas and more. There are people who pay for a host of human oriented activities for an animal that takes pleasure in sniffing the butts from other members of its species.

Those symptoms don’t just last hours, they last days....Half-life for a dog is 72 hours, maybe 96, before it gets out of their system.

I guess this means a dog can remain stoned for three days or longer. Can you imagine what the dog feels like?

Duuuuuuude. Like woooooooof man. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Hey, I like scored this plate of cookies from the counter a few days ago. I mean, these cookies were like no other cookies I've ever scored around here, man. These were like magic cookies or something. I used to worry about getting hit for doing my business on the rug but not now. My owner sees it and still gets all upset. Now I just lay here laughing when that happens. You should see her face. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Woooooooof man. Now she's talking about taking me to the vet. Hey, can't cut off what's not there any more. Ha, ha, ha. ha. I think right now I'm laying on the cat or the rabbit or something. Oh, it's a vibrating cell phone. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I have got to get me some more of those magic cookies.”

Doctors suggest that owners try and keep marijuana out of their pet’s reach.

Really? Thank you Captain Obvious. I think this suggestion only has to be made to people who use marijuana at levels that cause them to not even realize they own a dog.

You've been at the vet every week now for your dog getting into baked goods filled with marijuana. Have you tried keeping them out of your dog's reach?”

A stoner smacks their head.

Whoa, man, that makes sense. I have got to stop storing them next to his food dish.”

The bottom line for a pet owner who chooses to use marijuana is you've got to be more responsible. Believe the vet when they tell you that your dog's body reacts to things much differently than a human's body.  Dogs probably don't enjoy being stoned for three days or longer.  It's not something they can understand.  I guess some dogs owners should realize their pets need to be given respect as well as cared for properly.  

Article: Vets Seeing More Dogs Eating Edible Marijuana


The brilliance of some researchers cause me to put on sunglasses least I be blinded by their brilliance. Now they want to tell us if a parent ignores their child and dog, the pet and offspring will behave the same. To think that someone actually got paid for this. Read about it in my blog post...


I wouldn't want anyone to think fraud occurs when individuals register to vote. Here's the story of a man who actually was able to register his dog to vote. Yeah, there's no need for voter ID. (Sarcasm Alert) I guess the canine citizen should also be able to partake in the political process. Read about it in my blog post...


Monday, February 24, 2014

Don't Worry! Be Happy And Age Better. A Real Story

There have always been discussions on what is the best way to approach life. We often use a half filled glass as a metaphor for our attitude. An optimist will say the glass is half full. A pessimist will see the glass as half empty. The realist knows our government will tax your half-filled glass on a sliding scale based on the glass size, beverage contained and reason for use. The half-filled glass will have to pass an inspection by OSHA, ATF, FBI, IRS as well as the Boy Scouts of America before it is determined to be safe for use. The government will then issue 14 volumes of regulations to be followed. Any failure to do so could result in criminal charges. I think we need to make sure we keep our half-filled glass metaphors away from government scrutiny.

There is now a study that shows if you enjoy life more you will age better. I've known some mean old guys in my time.  The type of old guys that make you wonder why someone hasn't already sent them to their eternal reward. I've also known some very happy people who passed away in their 30s from health issues. Maybe only the unhappy good die young.

Below are excerpts from the study in bold and my valuable insights in italics.

As part of a follow-up study testing the link between happiness and physical performance, the UCL researchers have assessed the enjoyment of life of 3,199 participants aged 60 years or older.

If you're healthy at 60 years old what's not to be happy about? Your house is probably paid off, children grown and gone. People even tolerate you enjoying yourself at Disneyland.

The participants in the study were asked to rate on a four-point scale how much they subscribed to the following statements:

"I enjoy the things that I do"
I can say anything I want and blame my medication.
"I enjoy being in the company of others”
I love watching the look on their faces when I provide graphic details about my latest trip to the doctor's office.
On balance, I look back on my life with a sense of happiness" and "I feel full of energy these days."
There is so much I don't remember, but it doesn't matter. If I don't appear to be full of energy my children start wanting their inheritance.

Efforts to enhance well-being at older ages may have benefits to society and health care systems.
Notice how these study participants weren't asked if they had recently taken something like Zoloft? There are people in their 60s who are given prescriptions that would make experiencing a tsunami seem like a good time to them.

Look at all the water. Reminds me of swimming and fishing when I was a child. Did I ever tell you about fishing with my friends?”
Hey, this is a tsunami. We've got to get to higher ground.”
Don't you want to hear my story?”
Actually I think I want to take one of your Zoloft.”
Oh, okay.”

The study found that people who had a low sense of well-being were more than three times as likely to experience problems in performing daily activities.

I bet they still excelled when it came to swearing at people and throwing empty beer cans at anyone who walks past their house. Not that I ever plan to do such a thing. I'm just saying everyone's retirement goals are different.

In the new study, people with higher social-economic status and education were also more likely to enjoy life. Married and working people also scored higher on the happiness scale than retired or single seniors.

If you're an uneducated, poor, single and retired senior you're probably miserable. Don't even try to tell anyone you're happy. We have a study to prove you wrong. It doesn't matter if you're laying on a beach in the Caribbean enjoying your retirement with a lady friend. It's time to realize happiness is not possible for you. We have the the word of 3,199 study participants and they know.

You're an educated wealthy man. You're married and still work. You must be ecstatic with life.
If I didn't work I'd have to spend more time with my wife. My kids and relatives all want my money and let me know it. I just wish I had time to be with my uneducated poor brother who retired and is living in the Caribbean.”
That's rough.”

So if you plan to live a long and healthy life you need to get an education, get married, never stop working as well as have a positive outlook on things. I wonder if this will prevent car accidents, house fires or being the victim of a crime? Will it prevent you from experiencing health issues brought on by genetics?

I can't have a terminal illness. I'm married, have a job, education and think everything is great. My retired, uneducated, single, grumpy cousin is in perfect health and he's ten years older than me. This isn't right. I've read the study.”

I guess your body didn't see the study.”

I believe it's important to realize that sometimes studies don't accurately reflect the reality of life.

Check Out My Other Blog Posts

If you're feeling suicidal simply have a cup of coffee. According to some researchers that's how it works. I share my feeling about this in my blog
Suicide Prevention with Java”

Do you know what city has the most dog bites? Read and find out in my blog
Houston We Have A Dog Bite”

Monday, February 17, 2014

How Many Psychics Knew I Was Going To Write This?

I've never been the kind of person who put too much value on anything said by a psychic. Once in college, I went with a friend who visited a psychic. When we got there the lady looked at me and asked if I was also interested in a reading. I looked at her and said “I think you know the answer to that question. If not, your reading won't do a thing for me.”

The lady psychic asked me to leave and stay in the waiting room. She said my negative karma could hurt my friend's reading. I told my friend I'd wait for her at a coffee shop down the street. It was a special place were negative karma was welcome. The kind of coffee shop where negative karma could get you a discount on their drinks. I loved the Negative Karma Coffee Shop.

The only psychic I've ever liked was Miss Cleo. Who could forget the image of that woman from the Psychic Friends Network wearing Jamaican attire during late night television? I loved hearing her speak in that thick Caribbean accent and energetically proclaim “Call me now for yah' free tarot readin'.”

I had to dig deep to not contact them. I had no faith the reading would be worth anything. Simply having the chance to experience someone who had such a great Jamaican accent was tempting. I knew it was all fake. We eventually learned that Miss Cleo's real name was actually Youree Dell Harris. So what if she was actually born in Los Angeles. I'm okay with the fact that her parents were from Texas and California. I imagine Miss Cleo was probably better at being a Jamaican shaman than most actual Jamaican shamans.

It appears the psychic industry has started to engage in specialization when it comes to providing readings. Now it's possible to visit a love psychic. Why are there no lottery number psychics? If I got a good reading from a stock picking psychic or a sports betting psychic, I'd have an entirely different attitude about these people.

I recently came across a press release from love psychic Christopher Golden. In bold below are excerpts from his press release. My insights are in italics.

There is only one thing you must do right in this life. If you fail, I promise you will be unhappy. And if you succeed, I promise your life will be fulfilling. All you need to do is truly, deeply, honestly and authentically love somebody. Love them with all of your heart and love them whether they deserve it or not.

Whether they deserve it or not?”...great advice. This way when you're done paying for a love psychic, you can walk down the street and hand over some cash to a therapist. According to his website, Christopher charges $75 for a 15-minute reading and the amounts he charges increase from there. For that kind of money, he should at least recommend you find someone who treats you with a little respect.

Life is a short term deal. Live it while you can, flaws and all. Live it with your heart open wide, even in those moments where you can feel the sadness of the whole world and it feels like your heart will break wide open. Let it break. No one gets out of here without a broken heart. 

If I paid for this kind of advice I would have a broken heart. I would be lamenting the loss of my money. It would cause me to have a serious moment of sadness. I don't care about the whole world. Let them waste cash on a psychic and deal with it in their own way. My heart would be crushed about the loss of my cash.

The love you end up giving yourself and the love the world gives you will be immeasurable, although loving is its own reward. Your beautiful nature is all you ever had to offer. And you take it back by giving it away. Love foolishly, because only a fool for love knows what it means to love at all.

Choke, choke, gag, gag, groan! Hey, if I'm paying $75 for 15 minutes I don't want to hear about the love I give myself. I want to know about giving my love to someone who can start a fire in the ole fireplace. What's this beautiful nature crap? I don't think he knows me or many of my readers. Love foolishly? Is that code for letting some attractive female fool you into spending money on her and taking her to expensive places so at the end of the night she can go back to her boyfriend? How much could you actually afford to spend after paying $75 for 15-minute readings?

Love Psychic Christopher Golden is a veteran psychic intuitive, author and relationship expert. He has been using his metaphysical abilities to help resolve relationship issues since 1989.

A veteran psychic intuitive? I say he should know enough to pick me some good lottery numbers and make me a believer. Relationship expert? He doesn't say he's an expert on good relationships. Metaphysical abilities? Is that code for “It's not what you know but what you think you know that will make you happy. If I say it and you believe it, we have a deal at $75 for 15 minutes”. I wonder if he'll give you a reading with a Jamaican accent? With those prices, he should give you a reading in a French, Spanish, Jamaican or any other type of accent you want to hear.

If I've offended anyone who believes in psychics, I hope you realize how important you are to me. There are many public buildings I would like to sell you. I'm not worried about offending psychics. Being able to look into the future they've known about this for a long time. You may have known about it as well. It probably would've only cost you $75 and 15 minutes of your time.

Love Psychic Press Release

Check Out Some of My Other Blogs

There was a study done to identify the differences between physical pain and emotional pain. (Sarcasm Alert) Would you rather have a robber shoot you or insult you?

Pain Hurts

Each generation has a different idea about what is old. Isn't it interesting how a study shows this idea changes the older you get? (Sarcasm Alert) How could anyone think of such a thing this without this study?

Talkin''Bout My Generation

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hubris in Uniform

There is a California Highway Patrol (CHP) officer from San Diego that needs to be given a time out. Some CHP egos need to be deflated and the purpose of work done by public servants needs to be put into perspective for them. It seems a CHP officer arrested a firefighter who was trying to rescue someone in a crashed vehicle. The firefighter was told to move a firetruck. When he didn't, the CHP officer arrested him. Let's think about this for a moment. A man who is helping victims of a car crash is put under arrest. (Sarcasm Alert) I wonder what would've happened if the firefighter was rescuing a person from a burning building?  Would  CHP be tempted to call in a SWAT team?

What would a tax paying citizen want to say to such a police officer? Should I be able to speak with the CHP officer responsible for this I would be very emotional.  I would yell “Grow up. Citizens are paying for this. Would you be so quick to arrest a firefighter who refused to move his firetruck because he was putting out a fire at your home? I don't think so. What kind of trained and experienced mind doesn't know how to handle this situation in any other way? I'm just a regular citizen. I bet there are many regular citizens just like me who believe there is more to being a CHP officer than riding around looking good wearing sunglasses. I think the citizens of California have a right to expect better judgement from those they authorize to carry guns and arrest bad people. I've never worked in law enforcement so correct me if I'm wrong.  Is it safe to assume that a firefighter helping a car crash victim is not classified as one of the bad guys.”

Excerpts from the Daily Mail story are in bold.

Video from the accident scene shows a California Highway Patrol officer arresting Chula Vista firefighter Jacob Gregoire, 36, after refusing to move a fire truck positioned to shield rescue workers and accident victims from fast moving traffic along the side of a busy freeway.
The unidentified CHP officer cuffed the first responder and put him in the back of a squad car for 30 minutes...CHP officers and firefighters have battled over accident scene protocol in the past.

I think the citizens in California should go down to the CHP headquarters and ask a few important questions. “What's going on with you guys? You're arresting firefighters who are helping car crash victims?  What's next? Hearse drivers on their way to funerals?”

(Sarcasm Alert)

I see that you're going through red lights.”
Officer, the law permits us to do such a thing on our way to a funeral.”
Oh yeah, I'm still giving you a ticket. Any firefighters involved in the funeral procession?
There may be a few.”
That's another ticket. Get them up here. They're under arrest.”
For what?”
We'll worry about that later. I'm sure they did something. If there's an accident on the way to the grave site they could jump out and start saving people. Can't have that now can we?”

The story only gets worse.

A CHP spokesperson told the station that Gregoire’s fire truck was the only one out of three not moved in compliance with the officer’s request, but fire officials say he was within his rights to not move the truck.
My engineers and all the crews did exactly what they're trained to do,’ Hanneman told the station.
Fire officials also said the police officer also ordered a fire truck with an on duty paramedic to leave before first aid was finished being administered.

I think it's safe to say this CHP officer lost all perspective concerning the purpose of his job. Asking a paramedic to leave before being done giving first aid? This is like telling a policeman to go away before a criminal under arrest is put in handcuffs. I think administering first aid and arresting criminals are not things that can be done correctly with an attitude of “Ah, it's good enough for now.”

This story also tells us how these types of incidents have been handled in the past. Being discussed in a court of law.

In 2008, a Missouri jury awarded a firefighter more than $17,000 for a false arrest over a similar incident,

Is there a good chance the $17,000 was paid by taxpayers? So let's see if I understand this situation correctly. A firefighter who is paid by taxpayers is arrested by a police officer who is also paid by taxpayers. They have a conflict and go to court, which is also paid for by taxpayers. One side wins and is given an award. This is also probably paid by taxpayers. I think there's a pattern here. I guess if it was easy to being a taxpayer everyone would do it.

I believe the lesson here is that public safety should take a backseat to public egos. It's also very expensive and dangerous when these things happen. I think it's about time some responsible adults got involved here and changed a few things.

Daily Mail Story


DoingThings Their Way

Department of Homeland Insecurity

Monday, February 3, 2014

What Goes On In The Virtual World Should Stay In The Virtual World. A Real Story

It appears that members of the psychological profession are desperate to provide research whether it matters or not. They no longer limit themselves to saying bizarre things about people's behavior in the real world. Now they're equating things that happen in the virtual world to reality. That's right folks, we are now having our behavior judged by avatars.

I submit to you a study done at the University of Oxford. Utilizing a virtual world, they determined that a person's height made other people feel more inferior and mistrustful. Sometimes I think there are psychologists who need therapy to determine why they are psychologists.

Should I be able to discuss this study with Prof. Daniel Freeman, who conducted this work classified as an experiment, I would yell “It's the virtual world. If you don't like your height you can simply make yourself taller because it's a virtual world. In the realm of reality, things are a bit different.”

It appears to me that a group of professors at Oxford simply devised a way to play video games and get paid for it. They did this behind the illusion of research.

Below are excerpts from the study in bold and my valuable insights in italics.

In the new study, researchers used a "virtual reality simulation" to test the emotional responses of 60 adult women who "were prone to having mistrustful thoughts."

If these women lived in some high crime areas having mistrustful thoughts may be a good thing. What does “prone” to having mistrustful thoughts mean? How is this determined? Were the experiment participants chosen from a female group in Oxford called “the Organization of Women Prone to Having Mistrustful Thoughts?”

"Being tall is associated with greater career and relationship success. Height is taken to convey authority, and we feel taller when we feel more powerful. It is little wonder then that men and women tend to over-report their height. In this study, we reduced people's height, which led to a striking consequence: people felt inferior and this caused them to feel overly mistrustful."

Reduced people's height?  (Sarcasm Alert) Yeah, because that happens all the time in the real world. If people are too tall they could be forced to walk on their knees to not make other people feel inferior. Geeeeze!

Most of the participants in the study did not realize that their height had been lowered on the second pass of the simulation. But there was a significant increase in the number of people reporting negative feelings while experiencing the second journey. These included feeling incompetent, unlikeable and inferior - and there was also an increase in feelings of paranoia toward the other "passengers" of the train.

If you experience these feeling from participating in a virtual simulation you could have real problems. Someone needs to take all 60 of these participants and scream “It's a virtual world. If it bothers you just turn it off. You have that power. Stop playing it. It doesn't really exist. If you are feeling paranoid, incompetent, unlikeable and inferior from a video simulation, you could have an IQ with a decimal point in the front.”

It provides a key insight into paranoia," says Prof. Freeman, "showing that people's excessive mistrust of others directly builds upon their own negative feelings about themselves. The important treatment implication for severe paranoia that we can take from this study is that if we help people to feel more self-confident then they will be less mistrustful. This prediction is exactly what we are testing in the next phase of our work, a new randomized controlled clinical trial."

Huh? What? “if we help people to feel more self-confident then they will be less mistrustful” I guess this would be possible in a virtual world that only exists on a computer. In the cyber world, you could make all people orange with green stripes covered with red hair and sing every time they speak. In the realm of reality where I live, this study doesn't have too much value. How do we help people to feel more self-confident? Maybe we tell them to avoid participating in studies that take place in the cyber world.

Paranoia increases when experiencing situations from a lower height

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