Monday, March 3, 2014

Actual Story: Doggie Potheads

Any time there is a shift in societal behavior unexpected results will occur. With marijuana becoming legal in some states unanticipated consequences were bound to happen. I fear that many people with less than adequate levels of intelligence will not comprehend that marijuana is a drug. These people will be careless and cause problems within their home. It has already started to happen. Dogs who have eaten baked goods containing marijuana are showing up at animal hospitals at record levels.

Below is the news story in bold with my insights in italics.

DENVER (CBS4) – An animal hospital in Denver is seeing an increasing number of dogs who have eaten edible marijuana and is finding that the diagnosis isn’t good....since Jan. 1 the clinic says dogs have been getting into their owner’s supply of marijuana, specifically edibles. 

I don't know what's wrong with Fido. It looks like he's constantly laughing. He's eaten two cans of dog food, the cat's food, the rabbits food and scraps from our dinner that were in the garbage. I don't know what to do.”
Do you have any baked good in your home that contain marijuana?”
Only a few dozen cookies, some cakes, a few sweet rolls some doughnuts, a bunch of brownies and some pies.”
If Fido had any of the baked goods with marijuana it could be very bad for him.”
Oh, I thought just sprinkling a little bit on his food would make him happy.”
You do realize marijuana is a drug and not a food enhancer?”
Really? I thought it could be used either way. Can you help Fido?”
Yes, I'm going to put an ad in the local media to get him an owner who spends at least a few hours a day not wasted.”

The concern is that edibles have a concentration of marijuana meant for controlled human consumption and dogs weigh far less than humans and have no control.

I know people who struggle to comprehend that their dog is not a human. There are industries that sell these people the craziest things. I can see such an industry create “Doggy Detox.” It will be for the pet owner who accidentally got their dog hooked on drugs. I can see such a service provide counseling and a program to rid a dog of their addiction. I know there are people who will pay for it. Just like they pay for doggy massages, doggy birthday parties, doggy spas and more. There are people who pay for a host of human oriented activities for an animal that takes pleasure in sniffing the butts from other members of its species.

Those symptoms don’t just last hours, they last days....Half-life for a dog is 72 hours, maybe 96, before it gets out of their system.

I guess this means a dog can remain stoned for three days or longer. Can you imagine what the dog feels like?

Duuuuuuude. Like woooooooof man. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Hey, I like scored this plate of cookies from the counter a few days ago. I mean, these cookies were like no other cookies I've ever scored around here, man. These were like magic cookies or something. I used to worry about getting hit for doing my business on the rug but not now. My owner sees it and still gets all upset. Now I just lay here laughing when that happens. You should see her face. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Woooooooof man. Now she's talking about taking me to the vet. Hey, can't cut off what's not there any more. Ha, ha, ha. ha. I think right now I'm laying on the cat or the rabbit or something. Oh, it's a vibrating cell phone. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I have got to get me some more of those magic cookies.”

Doctors suggest that owners try and keep marijuana out of their pet’s reach.

Really? Thank you Captain Obvious. I think this suggestion only has to be made to people who use marijuana at levels that cause them to not even realize they own a dog.

You've been at the vet every week now for your dog getting into baked goods filled with marijuana. Have you tried keeping them out of your dog's reach?”

A stoner smacks their head.

Whoa, man, that makes sense. I have got to stop storing them next to his food dish.”

The bottom line for a pet owner who chooses to use marijuana is you've got to be more responsible. Believe the vet when they tell you that your dog's body reacts to things much differently than a human's body.  Dogs probably don't enjoy being stoned for three days or longer.  It's not something they can understand.  I guess some dogs owners should realize their pets need to be given respect as well as cared for properly.  

Article: Vets Seeing More Dogs Eating Edible Marijuana


The brilliance of some researchers cause me to put on sunglasses least I be blinded by their brilliance. Now they want to tell us if a parent ignores their child and dog, the pet and offspring will behave the same. To think that someone actually got paid for this. Read about it in my blog post...


I wouldn't want anyone to think fraud occurs when individuals register to vote. Here's the story of a man who actually was able to register his dog to vote. Yeah, there's no need for voter ID. (Sarcasm Alert) I guess the canine citizen should also be able to partake in the political process. Read about it in my blog post...


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