Wednesday, August 10, 2011


            The police department of Renton, WA has a problem.  It seems someone who is not very impressed with the members of this police department has decided to take their objections to the lovers of animation.  Under the name of Mr. Fiddlesticks this person created a series of animated videos poking fun at the police department and posted them on YouTube.  Now the Renton Police Department didn’t like the animated videos created by Mr. Fiddlesticks.  They put on display their lack of humor and insecurity by getting together with their local prosecutor and a judge who signed off on a search warrant, which was sent to Google so they could discover the cartoonist’s identity.  I don’t think their purpose is to praise the creator of the animated videos in person.
            The search warrant accuses the anonymous video cartoon creator of something called “cyberstalking.”  I had no idea you could actually stalk an entire police department.  Did someone take this police department out on a few dates and then become obsessed with harassing the police department when they wanted to break things off?  Was the creator of these animated videos at one time married to the police department and after a terrible divorce wouldn’t leave the police department alone?
            (The following is sarcasm and intended to embarrass and mock the Renton Police Department, prosecutor and the judge involved in this case.  Unfortunately I don’t know how to make animated videos so this is the best I can do.)
            Unfortunately for the Renton Police Department there are people who can read and understand what they’ve read.  Should this Police Department, their local prosecutor and the judge involved want to read something great I suggest a document called the US Constitution. See in this constitution document there is this thing called the first amendment and it states “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech.”  Now these people need to understand that means you can legally create pornography and tolerate the Westboro Baptist Church and even the horrible things said by the KKK.  It even means someone can make animated videos about a police department without governmental retribution.

In Washington, TV station KIRO’s investigative reporter Chris Halsne spoke with three national legal experts who believe use of the cyberstalking statute in this case is stomping on the constitution.  How refreshing there are members of the legal profession who are able to properly comprehend the constitution.  Unfortunately none of them seem to be working for the city of Renton, WA.
The Renton police Chief Kevin Milosevich issued a statement on this incident.  He said that some of the videos are incidents of misconduct, some are unsubstantiated, some are rumors, some are previous internal investigations that were found to be unfounded and some are just flat out untrue and lies.  To Chief Kevin Milosevich I say “Soooooo what?”  Was there something in the animated videos that stated they were depicting truth and reality?  I can only imagine what Police Chief Kevin Milosevich would do if his police department was featured on South Park, The Simpsons or Family Guy.
“Hello, US Navy sixth fleet.”
“This is Police Chief Kevin Milosevich of the Renton Police Department in Renton, Washington.”
“What can I do for you?”
“I would like to call in a naval air strike on New York and Los Angeles.”
“Well, they featured us on some of their animated TV programs and said some things that hurt our police feelings.  We didn’t like it and beside that it wasn’t all that much true.”
“I’m sorry sir but we can’t launch naval air strikes on a city because they made an animated program that offended you.”
“Oh yeah, do you want me to get our city prosecutor involved?  If that’s not enough we know a judge who will make a warrant so we can find out just who you are and why you won’t order an air strike like we want.  What do you think of that?”
The Renton police recently released a statement.  In it they claimed “The purpose of these videos was to embarrass, torment and harass specific members of the police department and other city employees.”
I think in reality this investigation by the Renton police is intended to torment and harass the creator of the animated videos.  It goes on to say they believe the suspect is either a department employee or one closely associated with the department.  I think the suspect should be easy to find.  It would be the person who is creative and has a well developed sense of humor.  I’m certain such a person would stand out in this police department.

Anybody who has read this story can see this for what it is.  These videos scare this police department.  The only reason a police department would be scared of an animated video is if there were elements of truth contained within them.  Truth the Renton Police Department is afraid for people to discover.  What makes them look obtuse is if they had done nothing I’m sure the animated videos would’ve been largely ignored.
Since they’ve gone as far as to launch an investigation and gotten a judge involved their actions have caused media coverage that guarantees millions of people who would’ve never watched these animated videos to now watch them.  The behavior of the Renton Police Department makes them look very guilty of something.  I just hope it’s nothing more than having fragile egos.  They’ve demonstrated their inability to take a joke and their willingness to use their status as police to crush criticism.  The thing most upsetting is their blatant inability to comprehend the constitutional guarantee of free speech.

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