Monday, June 20, 2011


It is time for the third RMN Flaming Idiot Award.  This is an award given to individuals who have distinguished themselves with behavior that demonstrates an IQ with a decimal point in the front.  The type of individual who might have a family tree that doesn’t fork and only possess one set of DNA.  As we all know these people are everywhere and especially in positions of power.

The third RMN Flaming Idiot Award goes to (drum roll please) a teacher at the First Philadelphia Charter School for Literacy and the people who operate it.  It seems that these idiots of the educational realm have proven their inability to comprehend reality by (you’re going to love this) expelling a 6-year-old boy for touching his teacher’s leg.  Ignoring the innocence of a child that age can only be done by a truly unhinged mind.
            The teacher testified at a April 2010 school disciplinary hearing that the boy’s contact made her feel uncomfortable.  Huh?  If being touched by a 6-year-old child makes her feel so uncomfortable what is she doing teaching kindergartners?  She did admit during the hearing that she regularly received hugs from her other students. 
            “Teacher can I give you a hug.”
            “Why yes dear.”
            “I accidently touched your arm.”
            “You disgusting little demon you need to be expelled.”
            My wife taught pre-school for a number of years.  Kids’ touching her inappropriately was something that was common.  She didn’t make a big deal about it as she understood children of that age will do such things.  She would simply tell them to stop touching her that way and explain why it was wrong.  She actually taught the child their behavior was unacceptable and explained why.  When she handled the situation in this way the behavior usually stopped.  My wife has never been able to make me cease such behavior with her, but that’s another story.
What is this particular teacher trying to say by her actions?  A child this young was coming on to her?  He had impure intentions?  It’s not like he bragged about the incident to his buddies on the playground and posted a video of it on YouTube.  If this educator holds such low opinions of 6-year-old children maybe she shouldn’t be teaching kindergartners.  Is it possible this individual needs to seriously consider changing occupations?  She might want to seek out a position teaching people how to properly empty trash receptacles at amusement parks.
            Unfortunately this 6-year-old boy had been a challenging little kindergartner.  In December he had been suspended for 10 days for touching a girl’s bottom while under a table picking up crayons.  Is that really the best way to handle such a situation?  This school administration is just brilliant.  I’m certain a child at that age can fully comprehend what he did wrong and why he can’t go to school for 10 days  (If anyone who runs the First Philadelphia Charter School for Literacy is reading this you need to realize this type of writing is known as blatant sarcasm).
            “Why can’t I go to school?”
            “You touched a girl’s bottom when you were under a table.”
            “So, she put her bottom in my face and I wanted her to move it.”
            “Unfortunately her bottom can touch your face but you can’t touch her bottom.”
            “Why if I touch a girl’s bottom in my face I can’t go to school?”
            “It’s, ah, because, it’s, well, you know, ah, not good to touch bottoms of girls if you want to go to school.”
            “I’m confused.”
            “So am I.”
            Now this young child’s reign of kindergarten terror didn’t end there.  He was also suspended twice for stepping on his classmates’ shoelaces.  I’m sure we all know if you step on a classmate’s shoelaces in kindergarten you’re eventually going to become a terrorist.  A suspension is what probably cured this young boy of any desire to become a terrorist (That was more sarcasm.).  He was also considered disruptive in class.  He was probably more of a challenge than this teacher wanted to handle.  I imagine there are actual teaching methods to address such behavioral issues; but unfortunately they seem to be unknown at this school.
            A judge overturned the kindergartner’s expulsion.  It appears the little boy heard his teacher complain her legs hurt and just wanted to make them feel better.  The boy had only been in school for seven months.  The school argued that’s it’s inappropriate for a 6-year-old child to touch an adult teacher on bother upper thighs, near her crotch area, while the adult is sitting, in a school setting.  I think most people who breathe air can agree with that statement.  The real issue is if suspension and expulsion is the appropriate punishment.  It’s like giving life in prison for a parking ticket.
            Luckily the judge wrote the school made a gross abuse of discretion that was not supported by evidence in the record.  He was going to expunge the boy’s record of the expulsion.  It appears the boy transferred to a private school and has had no significant behavioral problems since leaving the school.  I can only imagine that the teachers at his new school understand the development of a child involves social skills.  Maybe they’re taking the time to teach him there is proper and improper behavior.  It would be nice if some school administrators could teach the individuals at the First Philadelphia Charter School for Literacy the proper and improper ways to discipline a young child.

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