Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Swiss Government Doesn't Think Coffee is Essential. Stops Stockpiling it. A Real Story

I am a dedicated java junkie. On the rare occasion when I've tried to start my day without it things did not go well. During rare occasions, I will speak in strange and unusual ways. Some people believe I'm speaking a foreign language. Others are afraid I may be experiencing a serious medical episode. I will struggle to utter the word coffee and people around me seem to understand. I've gone to restaurants and ordered an emergency cup of coffee, and the waitresses didn't think I was unusual. I believe the customer base of any restaurant will increase if they have a reputation for java junkie sensitivity.

The Swiss government has determined that coffee is not vital for human survival. Neither is chocolate, but I bet they have stockpiled plenty of it in case of an emergency. I would like to go on record that should a worldwide disaster occur, and I'm in Switzerland, I will need coffee to survive. I don't care what the situation. Even if it is a nuclear war, I'm leaving to find a country that can provide me with my daily required java fix. I have my standards for making life worth living.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Nestle, the maker of instant coffee Nescafe, and other importers, roasters and retailers are required by Swiss law to store bags of raw coffee. The country stockpiles other staples, too, such as sugar, rice, edible oils, and animal feed.

I am sure lobbyists from Nestle spoke to the Swiss government and made an attempt to get some coffee subsidies. When the government refused, Nestle probably told them it is just fine because the Swiss people will now have to try and start their day in the bunker from horrific danger outside without coffee. I think it's possible they won't be able to tell the difference between those experiencing shell shock and those needing coffee. It will be a difficult situation. It will only be made worse by being among Swiss people in need of the special caffeine only found in coffee. They will know their government told them they didn't need it to survive.

I need coffee.”
Would you like some sugar or rice.”
No, I want coffee.”
How about some edible oils or animal feed.”
No, I give me some coffee.”
The Swiss government said we didn't need it to survive.”
Really? Put that on my tombstone.”

The Federal Office for National Economic Supply has concluded coffee...is not essential for life,” the government said. “Coffee has almost no calories and subsequently does not contribute, from the physiological perspective to safeguarding nutrition.”

I think it is evident those people at the National Economic Supply are tea drinkers. The concept of coffee is beyond them. Coffee doesn't need calories. It is a soothing beverage. If you want calories, you can get calories. I say have these Swiss government bureaucrats go to Starbucks and order a double chocolaty chip frappuccino. If they want calories, this will give them calories. Too many of these may also give them diabetes and other health-related issues, but that's not the point.

Switzerland’s 8.5 million residents consume around nine kg (20 lb) of coffee per person annually, eclipsing Britain’s 3.3 kg average and double the 4.5 kg consumed in the United States, according to International Coffee Organization figures.

Do they believe three months of coffee is all that will be necessary? What are the Swiss people to do when this runs out? I think 15,300 tons may last a small group of Americans with jobs requiring long hours about a few weeks. If the Swiss have to wake up and get ready to run for their lives when the coffee runs out, it could be bad. I wonder if they are doing this because the fear Americans running out of coffee in a worldwide disaster would cause them to come for the Swiss coffee? It makes sense.

Some also contend too little attention was paid to the drink’s health benefits, like antioxidants or vitamins.

Stockpile operators’ concerns clearly show that the one-sided review and weighting of calories as the main criteria for a vital staple did not do justice to coffee,” Reservesuisse wrote in a letter seen by Reuters.

I have been drinking coffee on a daily basis all my life. never knew it had health benefits like vitamins and antioxidants. All those health perks and caffeine too. It truly is a special beverage. I think those responsible for this decision should worry about being stuck underground, dealing with a disaster and being surrounded by fellow Swiss citizens who need coffee to wake up and to start properly freaking out. They should at least stockpile a year's worth of double chocolaty chip frappuccinos for the Swiss citizens. It won't stop anything bad from happening, but after enough of these, they won't care.

Below is a link to the article.

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