Friday, October 18, 2019

Drinking Responsibly Earns Canadian Bar Patron Positive Ticket. A Real Story

The news is always filled with stories about people who drink too much at a bar, get in their vehicle and then get arrested for drunk driving. Driving after consuming too much alcohol has many different names. Some countries call it drink driving, some call it drunk driving, some call it driving under the influence. It could be called irresponsible idiots who put everyone in danger when they consume too much alcohol and drive. I think this is accurate, but it is probably too long for most governmental forms.

In Canada, a person was responsible when drinking and got a ticket for it. This really wasn't a ticket from police, the bar provided a $10 gift certificate from the bar that looked like a ticket. I applaud this effort to change people's behavior. The bar may consider providing tickets for not carving things in the different stalls of their restroom or not fighting in the bar. Not making rude suggestions to the wait staff may also be worthy of a ticket. I suppose this could change bars in Canada from places to have a drink to behavior modification centers.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A bar patron in Canada was recently rewarded for drinking responsibly — via a “ticket” that was left on the windshield of the customer’s car.

The patron, who wisely refrained from driving home after a night of drinking at The Wismer House in Port Elgin, Ontario, took to Reddit the next day to share a photo of the “ticket,” which actually turned out to be a $10 gift certificate from the bar.

I wonder how many other bar patrons went into the bar the next day and demanded a $10 gift certificate.

I want my ticket that is a $10 gift certificate.”
I was drunk and didn't drive home. I was responsible.”
You walked to the bar and walked home.”
What is your point?”
You can't get a ticket for being responsible and not driving drunk if you didn't drive.”
I walked home responsibly after drinking too much. I should get at least a $5 gift certificate ticket.”
That is not how it works.”
Why not?”
Tell you what I'll do for you. If you drop this and never mention it again I'll give you a free beer.”
Okay, but I do have a car so I should get two beers.”
It's a deal.”

Because you left your car here overnight, which means you made a smart and safe judgment call… please redeem this gift ticket for $10 at your next visit,” reads a message printed on the bright yellow “overnight parking awesomeness notice.”

I can imagine a girl who is an employee of the bar walking around all of the parked cars after the bar has closed. She's giving some cars an overnight parking awesomeness notice. I'm sure it would be better than spending her time cleaning the tables and floors as well as the bathrooms in the bar before going home. It would be fun if the bar gave her an official title such as Parking Awesomeness Notice Officer. Of course, such a title could be the cause of some serious misinterpretation of its meaning.

The Wismer House (or The Wiz, as it’s also known) even added a short apology to the notice, along with a suggestion for alleviating any hangover the recipient may be experiencing with a Bloody Caesar cocktail.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I like the attitude of this bar. We don't want you to risk drinking and driving. We're okay with you becoming an alcoholic, but not a drunk driver. I suppose people should be moved that not only do they provide encouragement to not drink and drive, but they also provide encouragement to have a mixed drink with a hangover. It like a fast food place awarding people who have a salad with one of their high-calorie burger and fries meals.

Obviously, the patron, too, was thrilled by the bar’s gesture.

I left the business in the photo to give them the credit they deserve, great place!” the customer wrote, adding that the Wiz deserved any good publicity from the Reddit post.

They keep doing things like that, then [it's] justified.”

I agree. They want people to be alive and not in jail, so they can come and spend money at their establishment. A gift certificate is a great form of motivation. It would be interesting if the bar owner went out to their car after the bar closed and found a ticket.

Look I got a ticket.”
Is it for not drinking and driving?”
Is there a gift certificate info printed on the back for $10?”
No, it's a real parking ticket. It seems I parked here illegally. Not only is there no gift certificate, but I also have to pay a fine.”
I know one thing.”
They would probably have more eager to pay their fines if they included a $10 gift certificate from us once the fine was paid.”
I agree.”

Here is a link to the story.

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