Monday, June 15, 2015

Off-The-Wall Travel Destinations

Are you considering your options when it comes to take a vacation? You travel to the well-known vacation destinations such as the beach, a resort area or one of the many vacation spots around the world. Are you interested in trying something different? Do you want to come out of your comfort zone and try something so unique nobody will know why you went there? You have a number of options.

Island of the Dolls

This is a place a short drive from Mexico City. The rumor is that a man named Don Julian Santana found a drowned child. He saw a doll floating in the water and placed it in a tree. Julian then began getting as many dolls as possible to put in the trees all around the island. He believed this would calm the spirit of the drowned little girl he had found. In 2001, Julian also drowned in the same area where he found the little girl. His family now runs the island that has thousands of visitors every year. It is also supposed to be haunted. (Sarcasm Alert) I get this place. Why keep a family tragedy to yourself when you can create a commercial enterprise from it?


Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Why would anyone want to be pampered on a ocean cruise when they could have a chance to visit a garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean? As of the writing of this column, a visit the garbage patch the size of Texas costs a mere $10,000 a person. It stands out for having high concentrations of chemical sludge, plastic waste and debris. The patch is located in the North Pacific Gyre, which is a pattern of oceanic currents. A vacation to this garbage patch offers more than just an opportunity take pictures. Vacationers will be able to operate a trawl to obtain microscopic plastic particles. They will also be able to haul heaps of junk offshore. (Sarcasm Alert) Who would want to gamble, eat great food, and drink all night when you could operate a trawl to collect microscopic plastic particles? The cruise may be a bit cheaper. If you're overwhelmed with guilt and have the money, this may be for you.


Gnome Countryside

If you'd like to visit the Amish farmland in Pennsylvania, Gnome Countryside may be for you. Visitors are able to go hiking, camping, hear stories and sing songs about gnomes. It is also a place where people are able to learn about little known gnome facts. Visitors learn about the environment. The local flora as well as prey and predators are discussed. The legends of the little people who live in the forests and take care of it are made known. I wonder if the Travelocity gnome got his start here?


Alnwick Poison Garden

This was a garden founded by the Duchess of Northumberland. She felt that children she knew would be more interested in plants that could kill a person rather than ones that can heal a person. (Sarcasm Alert) Were her childhood friends people like William Palmer? English doctor who murdered many people with poison. People who visit this garden are advised to not even smell the plants. Visitors can see such plants as strychnine, hemlock as well as deadly nightshade. This castle is on the same grounds that appeared as Hogwarts in some of the Harry Potter movies.


Giraffe Manor

If you've ever wanted to be sitting in a vacation lodge and have a giraffe stick its head through the window at you, have I got a place for you. It's called Giraffe Manor.  It's located in Nairobi, Kenya. This is a very nice hotel that can offer it's guests the opportunity to experience giraffes. These are Rothschild giraffes and eventually are introduced back into the wild. The fun comes with the opportunity to give them treats.  I wonder if there is a company that makes giraffe treats?


If you're planning a vacation to see something like Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon or the sights of a major city, you need to stop and think. Could any of that compare to seeing a haunted island packed with dolls or a huge oceanic garbage patch? How many people do you know can say they experienced gnomes in the forest, saw a garden of poison plants or stayed in lodging complete with giraffes?

I saw the Eiffel Tower in France.”
Oh yeah, I saw gnomes in the forest and a garbage patch in the ocean.”
Wow. Hope you took lots of pictures.”

Whatever you decide for a vacation I hope you relax, enjoy and have fun.

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