Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Training Manual from The Department of Dunces AKA Defense

I would like to welcome all my readers and NSA monitors to another one of my blogs.  In this blog I would like to explore a Department of Defense training manual.  The contents of the training manual were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and made public by an organization known as Judicial Watch.  In an August 24, 2013 article by Adan Salazar and posted on InfoWars it was discussed. 

Marked “for training purposes only,” the documents, obtained Thursday through a Freedom of Information Act request submitted in April, include PowerPoint slides and lesson plans, among which is a January 2013 Air Force “student guide” distributed by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute simply entitled “Extremism.”

It’s a good thing it was marked “for training purposes only.”  If the IQ’s of the people who read it are anything like the people who wrote it, they may use it for a manual eating contest, floatation device or even Frisbee.  It’s a “student guide” I guess because non-students already are knowledgeable about this nonsense.  I like the title of “Extremism.”  I think something more accurate title for this manual would’ve been “Bowel Movement.”

It begins its introduction of a section titled, “Extremist ideologies,” by describing the American colonists who sought independence from British rule as a historical example of extremism.
“In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”.

Huh?  This manual says that the founding fathers who stood against taxation without representation, rights derived from God not man, an elected government and not a monarchy etc. etc. etc. were following extremist ideologies?  I disagree.  I think those who created this manual were following extremist ideology of the stupid. 

“Nowadays,” the manual explains, “instead of dressing in sheets or publicly espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.”

(Sarcasm Alert) Was this manual initially written by representatives from North Korea or Iran?  Individual liberties are such an extreme concept they could lead to people hearing the truth.  When that happens they’ll become such nuts about the freedom stuff.  Who but an extremist would want to make the world a better place?

It can no longer be denied that military and local law enforcement crosshairs have gradually been realigned from targeting phantom terrorists overseas to targeting domestic “extremists,” a broad, all-encompassing term that accommodates anyone generally challenging or questioning the status quo.

Now there’s a comforting thought.  (Real Sarcasm Alert) I guess the TSA just doesn’t have enough work on its hands fondling airline passengers.  I guess they’re ready to branch out and start going after those kooky liberty loving extremists who actually believe in the US Constitution.  I’m left wondering if this DOD training manual used the communist manifesto as a basis for its information.

After reviewing this document, one can’t help but worry for the future and morale of our nation’s armed forces.

Isn’t that a bit confusing?  You are teaching members of the military that they are to defend freedom and liberty.  Then they’re given a manual that says those who are willing to fight for freedom and liberty are extremists.  Huh?  Wouldn’t this manual in some way make members of the military feel they are also extremists?

As Judicial Watch notes, although the documents were obtained through the Air Force, the fact that they originated in a DOD office means they have likely been distributed throughout the government’s various agencies

I may be wrong but the brilliant minds in the DOD who wrote this manual are probably the wizards of smart that felt having Bradley Manning handle classified material was a good idea. 


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