Sunday, September 29, 2013

RMN FLAMING IDIOT AWARD IX: Idiotic School Administrator

It is time for the ninth ever RMN Flaming Idiot Award.  This is an award given to those individuals who have distinguished themselves with behavior that demonstrates an IQ with a decimal point in the front.  As we all know these people are everywhere and especially in positions of power.

When I came across this story I had to read it a few times.  This is an example of a school administrator in Virginia Beach so drunk with power that he needs to be taken immediately to detox.  Below is the story and my valuable insights are in italics.

7th-graders suspended for playing with airsoft gun in own yard

Maybe somebody was upset they didn’t turn in the airsoft gun at the latest police gun buy-back program to get coupons for fast food. 

Two seventh-grade students in Virginia Beach, Va., were handed long-term suspensions Tuesday that will last until the end of the school year for playing with an airsoft gun in one of their front yards while waiting for the school bus.

When I grew up it was very common to have cap guns, plastic guns as well as form your index finger and thumb into the shape of a gun and yell “bang.”  That was a time before kids were regularly drugged, spent too much time in cyber-worlds, was able to change their gender and communicated in person instead of using an electronic device.  Guns were no big deal because people knew how to respect them.  Now just a picture of a gun can cause the brainless in education to act as if they’ve witnessed a religious symbol.

WAVY-TV reports that 13-year-old Khalid Caraballo and Aidan Clark will face an additional hearing in January to determine if they will be expelled for "possession, handling and use of a firearm" because the guns were fired at two others playing in Caraballo's yard.

Handling a firearm?  An airsoft gun?  Please!  School principal Matthew Delaney yet again proves how the educated and ignorant can be a success in today’s educational system.  Let me explain it on a level that someone of Principal Delaney’s IQ can comprehend.  Firearm bad.  Firearm shoot bullet.  Bullet hitting person bad.  Person hit with bullet from firearm badly hurt or dead.  Airsoft gun shoot pellet.  It sting.  Won’t kill.  Firearm shooting bullet bad.  Airsoft gun shooting pellet not danger. 

To prove my point here is a video of young man shooting himself in the head with an airsoft gun.

A neighbor saw Khalid shooting the airsoft gun in his yard and called 911, telling the dispatcher, "He is pointing the gun, and it looks like there's a target in a tree in his front yard," the station reported.

The neighbor called 911?  This neighbor should have called the parents of Khalid.  At the very least they should’ve yelled from their window “Stop using those airsoft guns or I’m using my real gun.” 

Khalid claims he never took the toy gun to the designated bus stop or Larkspur Middle School, according to the report. Two other students who fired guns were also suspended.

(Sarcasm Alert) Why stop there?  Why not suspend anyone who touched the gun or has a gun or says the word gun?  I say suspend anyone who has letters in their name that can form the word gun.  Anybody watches a show that has a gun should be suspended as well as anyone who has read the word gun at some time in their life.  I’m sure Principal Matthew Delaney would agree with me.

In a letter obtained by, school Principal Matthew Delaney found that the "children were firing pellet guns at each other, and at people near the bus stop." Delaney states in the letter that one child "was only 10 feet from the bus stop, and ran from the shots being fired, but was still hit."

The child that was hit was obviously upset he didn’t have an airsoft gun.  Maybe this problem could be resolved if all children in Virginia Beach were required to carry airsoft guns with them at all times. 

The school's so-called "zero-tolerance" policy on guns extends to private property, according to the report.

Huh?  What?  A school policy extends to private property?  Since when?  Does this mean residents of Virginia Beach may someday have a heavily armed Principal Matthew Delaney and teacher commandos repel out of a helicopter down to a student’s house, break down the door and rush in yelling for everyone to get on the ground?  Once there Principal Matthew Delaney will then demand to see the shirt the student wore that day that was against school dress policy.  Don’t laugh.  There was a time when kids brought guns to school for show and tell and it wasn’t considered crazy.

Khalid's mother, Solangel Caraballo, said it's ridiculous that her son and his friends were suspended because they were firing the airsoft gun on private property.

Ridiculous doesn’t begin to describe it.

"My son is my private property. He does not become the school's property until he goes to the bus stop, gets on the bus, and goes to school," Caraballo told the station.

I am with you on this Solangel Caraballo, but your son is your private property?  We settled the issue of people being private property over a hundred years ago.  Sorry.

Khalid told WAVY-TV he thinks the punishment is unfair and may hurt his chances of getting into a good college after graduating from high school.

"It's on your school record. The school said I had possession of a firearm. They aren't going to ask me any questions. They are going to think it was a real gun, and I was trying to hurt someone," he said.

Someone needs to tell Khalid not to worry.  There are people who have been convicted of blowing people up at a college and gone on to be professors at Columbia University.  You don’t even need to have any common sense to get an education.  Look no further than Principal Matthew Delaney.  How high can the standards possibly be? 

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