Thursday, February 16, 2012

RMN Flaming Idiot Award VIII

It is time for the eighth ever RMN Flaming Idiot Award.  This is an award given to those individuals who have distinguished themselves with behavior that demonstrates an IQ with a decimal point in the front.  As we all know these people are everywhere and especially in positions of power.

RMN Flaming Idiot Award VIII is bestowed upon the government inspector from the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised program at the FPG Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  This is an organization consisting of people with no better way to justify their paychecks than to harass parents who make their preschool child’s lunch.

A February 14, 2012 article posted on the Civitas Institute website details the story of a mother whose daughter was forced to eat a school lunch because a government inspector determined the lunch she had made for her child did not meet nutrition requirements.  The child’s lunch consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, apple juice and potato chips. 

It seems pretty good to me.  When I was a kid I would’ve been quite happy with it.  Unfortunately according to a government inspector said she needed to provide a vegetable.  Hey, potatoes are vegetable.  I think that was covered by providing potato chips. 

I don’t know what the background of this inspector is but they're obviously one of those individuals you must wear sunglasses around least you be blinded by their brilliance.  (For all you inspectors from the FPG Child Development Institute, the previous sentence was called sarcasm and not intended to be confused with a compliment.)

Now the inspector had a novel solution.  This inspector made the little girl eat a helping of chicken nuggets (there’s health food for you), milk, fruit and a vegetable to supplement her sack lunch.  The young preschool girl felt so intimidated by the inspector she was too scared to eat all of her homemade lunch.  She only ate the chicken nuggets so she still didn’t eat a vegetable (The government over stepping its boundaries by trying to be a parent and in the process screwing up!)  

I would like to point out to the inspectors at the FPG Child Development Institute that in this country we’re worried about childhood obesity.  Now you people go running around scaring little kids while trying to get them to eat two lunches.  What are you thinking?

It appears in this school the lunches must meet the standards as dictated by the USDA meal guidelines and then enforced by the N.C. Division of Early Childhood Development.

The state of North Carolina now has food police?  The government in this state believes their parents are so stupid they can’t even fix a proper lunch for their children?  What’s next?  Are they going to punish a parent for not providing a proper computer?

I can imagine some poor mother being dragged into a darkened room and placed in a chair with the only light being from a single bulb dangling overhead.  Walking around the parent, dressed in a uniform and slapping a ridding crop in his hand is the inspector from the FPG Child Development Institute.

“Ve saw da lunch you sent vish your child.  Vhat are you doing?  You did not provide za milk az ve demand.  Vat have you to zay for youzelf you stupid non milk providing parent?”

“Well, little Johnny had milk at breakfast and he has milk every night for dinner so I thought it was no big deal.”

The inspector slaps the riding crop on the wall behind the parent scaring her and begins to yell.

“No big deal?  Madam are you insane?  Vis out dat milk your child could suffer any number of horrible disease vat could cause his flesh to just drop avay from his body den vhat would you do?”

“I think you’re being a little dramatic.”

“You don’t do da thinking here.  I do da thinking here.  Da state vill now be forced to take your child away because your poor milk attitude makes you an unfit parent.  Now get out of my sight.”

The mother is then dragged away crying and pleading with the inspector to keep her child.

There are many naive and gullible people out there who will believe the government was just trying to make sure children eat nutritious meals.  Then there are the rest of us who feel we don’t need the government to tell us how to feed our children.  We know if the government tells us how to feed our children they may then tell us how to live every aspect of our life.  I wonder if the parents in Norh Korea can feed their children what they want for lunch.

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