Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It is time for the sixth RMN Flaming Idiot Award.  This is an award given to individuals who have distinguished themselves with behavior that demonstrates an IQ with a decimal point in the front.  The type of individual who might have a family tree that doesn’t fork and only possess one set of DNA.  As we all know these people are everywhere and especially in positions of power.

            The sixth RMN Flaming Idiot Award goes to Dennis Dum, owner of Dum’s Bus Service (the irony here is beyond imagination) and Perry County District Attorney Charles F. Chenot III.  Tara Keener is an emergency room nurse.  After her child couldn’t be awakened upon arrival to the bus stop near their home Tara Keener took action.  When the children around her son seemed upset Tara Keener ran onto the bus.  The bus driver objected but mother Tara Keener made her way to her child and had to work hard to get him awake.  Did the bumbling, bonehead Dum bus company appreciate having a trained emergency room nurse deal with a possible emergency situation?  No, these bus company creeps decided to seek legal action against Tara Keener.  According to Perry County District Attorney Charles F. Chenot III he wasn’t going to charge Tara Keener until they ended up being persuaded by the bus company.  Only a flaming idiot district attorney would be a victim to a bus company and not take responsibility for his legal decision.
            The bus driver reported the incident to the police as required by law.  A state trooper spoke with Tara Keener and told her she wouldn’t be charged.  How comforting to know the state trooper who investigated this had sufficient common sense to see the situation for what it was and assess it properly.  I don’t think his mind would’ve been changed by speaking with the Dum Bus Service.

            After the incident almost five months passed before Keener got a notice in the mail she was facing a third-degree misdemeanor, which could lead to jail for a year and a $2,500 fine.  Perry County District Attorney Charles F. Chenot III said he changed his mind after speaking with Pamela Schaeffer of the Dum Bus Service.  Their main point was they can’t let one person do this because pretty soon you’ll have all sorts of parents going onto the bus.  Huh?  I hate to ask this question but I wonder if the Dum Bus Service has ever experienced a wild rush of parents boarding their buses because they feel their child is having a health issue?  If all the parents are trained emergency room nurses it might be considered a good thing.
            Charles F. Chenot II feels most parents aren’t a problem but wonders what should be done when a sex offender wants to get on the bus to get his kids off.  Huh?  People like Charles F. Chenot II make me wonder if law school is a place where people must give up their common sense and logic before attending.  Is he trying to say Tara Keener was a sex offender?  Is he saying a real problem exists with sex offenders going onto buses to get their children?  Are these sex offenders regularly boarding these school buses because they think their children may be in danger?  Are these sex offenders trained emergency room nurses?  I would like him to come up with incidents that mirrors this one where a sex offender was involved. 

            The bus company states that if they have one parent let off the hook how does the next parent not give a good reason to enter the bus and board it against the bus driver’s recommendations.  They wonder where to draw the line.  Well I don’t work for an organization called the Dum Bus Service but I do have a suggestion.  It’s called understanding.  If a law enforcement officer could understand this situation why can’t the Dum Dums and Dum Bus Service get it?  Maybe they should take the time to respect the desire of a mother to help her child.  Keener said when the children couldn’t wake her son the bus driver didn’t act quickly enough and the bus driver said she didn’t have a chance.  How much chance does a parent want to give a bus driver when they feel their child is in danger?
            In a massive display of insensitivity and ignorance Perry County District Attorney Charles F. Chenot III offered Keener a probationary program designed to allow her to eventually wipe her record clean.  (The following is sarcasm and may be illegal to be repeated on a school bus in Perry County) Wow, what a deal!  A mother who is a trained emergency room nurse goes onto a school bus because she thinks her son is in danger and gets treated just like someone who is a drug dealer, thief or guilty of committing assault.  What a concept of justice?
            This case is going to go to trial.  I would love to be there.  It would be great to see jurors witness a mother who went to her child when she thought he was in danger being labeled as a criminal.  I hope when this case is over Dennis Dum, the owner of the Dum Bus Service, becomes familiar with a legal concept called a civil lawsuit.

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