Tuesday, June 28, 2011


            In order to be a member of the governing body for the city of San Francisco it appears you must have recently left an insane asylum, have the IQ of a door knob or mentally and emotionally live in an alternate universe where you’re the only resident.  This is the only explanation for some of the decisions of this city government.
            In an effort to be a beacon of environmental correctness a big push was put forth citywide to us low-flow toilets.  The one little thing they overlooked was that without enough water the material deposited into the toilets became sludge and started clogging the sewer lines.  This left a rather strong unpleasant aroma near their baseball stadium.
            “I’m lost, how do we find the baseball stadium?”
            “You smell that?”
            “You mean that smell of rotting eggs that makes my eyes water?”
            “That’s it.  Follow it until we’re about to lose our last meal and we’ll be right there.”
            The city paid $100 million to upgrade their sewer lines and another 14 million for 25 million pounds of bleach to handle the unpleasant smell near their baseball park.  I think how they handled that situation stunk (You know you were thinking it). 
            With their continuing desire to combat global warming, ooops, I mean climate change or save the planet stuff or something like that; the city of San Francisco transformed its 1,500 vehicle city fleet to run on biofuels.  The SFGreasecycle program collects cooking oils from restaurants to use as fuel to power their city vehicles.  The result has been clogging of the air filters in the diesel-converted buses.  The other effect has been the smell of fried food emanating all over the city.  If I owned a restaurant that sold fried food I would be very thankful for such free advertising. 
            The San Francisco Board of Supervisors last year put on display their ignorance of parenting and food by banning the sale of McDonald’s Happy Meals in the city.  Huh?  Is this what these people spend their time worrying about?  I have a suggestion.  How about with every McDonald’s Happy Meal sold in the city of San Francisco parents get a guide on how to properly feed their children?  Did anyone ever tell these people that parents are the ones responsible for deciding what their children eat and not the restaurant? 
            This coming November 2011 residents of San Francisco will be able to decide on whether to ban circumcision of male children in the city.  Why is this an issue?  People in support of the measure gathered 7,700 signatures to get the proposal on the ballot.  The people who signed these petitions said they considered it a form of genital mutilation.  What?  These individuals must have been either women, transgendered or under the influence of some type of narcotic.  This is something that’s been done for thousands of years.  It’s best to have such a thing done in your younger years.  I’ve had friends who experienced such a procedure later in their life and it wasn’t pleasant.  I enjoyed teasing them and watching their faces when something accidentally hit their groin area but it I’m sure they didn’t enjoy it.  Besides obsessing about happy meals and male foreskin what else do they do in San Francisco for fun?
            Not only is this city at the forefront of male gentile rights but the San Francisco Control & Welfare Commission wants to ban the sale of pets.  However they don’t want pets to be referred to as pets, these kooky individuals want them to be called animal companions.  It sounds like something you’d get from calling an escort service.
            “What’s your pleasure?”
            “I’m from out of town.  Do you have a dog I could walk around and pick up its droppings?  I’ve been away from my dog for a long time.  I’m not normally the type of person who walks other dogs, but I’m really in a bad way.  Are you discreet?  I would hate my dog at home to find out about this.”
            “We guarantee complete dog walking anonymity.  What breed would you like?”
            “I’ve always dreamed of walking a German Shepherd.”
            “One will be at your hotel room in an hour.”
            “Thank you so much.  I just can’t wait.”
            It is believed the measure will lessen the number of abandoned animals.  I hate to be the one to point this out but San Francisco isn’t a world unto itself.  In the realm of reality they’re just a city, so maybe, just maybe pet stores located near that city just might provide all the pets the citizens of San Francisco would want.  I know this type of common sense and logic will shock the people who run the city’s Animal Control & Welfare Commission, but I am only telling the truth.  The move was supported by animal-rights activists who believe owning a dog is a form of species-ism.  Talk about a case dumb and dumber getting together to create one stupid idea.
            Are the people who run San Francisco dim-witted, crazy or both?  Like most people who don’t comprehend reality they seem more interested in their good feelings rather than dealing with reality.  Maybe they use their feelings to guide their decisions.  The only problem with that is reality always comes into play.  Like many people I’ll stop pointing at the things they do in San Francisco and laughing, if I ever have a reason.

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