Monday, April 18, 2016

An Exorcist claims 'beautiful women' have a good chance of being possessed by a demon. Yeah, this is true. I'm not making it up.

There is an actual story where an Islamic exorcist claims that beautiful women are more likely to be possessed by demons. I often wonder who determines if a woman can be considered 'beautiful.' Can you imagine an unattractive woman acting out, her head spins around, she levitates off a bed, spits green pea soup and yells demonic chants.  Then someone claims she's possessed by a demon. An Islamic exorcist looks at her and says  “She's just acting out. She's not attractive enough to be possessed. If she were better looking, we'd have to perform an exorcism.”

Below are excerpts from the story in bold. My valuable insights are in italics.

Mallam Luthfi Jamal-Baba said that although men can be inhabited by 'jinns' (roughly, spirits), beautiful women are more prone to possession

I like this idea. Men and beautiful women are prone to possession by rough spirits. I guess we're supposed to believe that demons avoid unattractive women. You may hear a woman say “I may be unattractive, but at least, I'm not going to be possessed by a demon.” Is part of the exorcism process for an attractive woman to gain weight, get a bad haircut and wear ugly clothes as a way to get a demon to no longer possess them?

He said: “Some of the jinns are stubborn and when the victim is in a trance, they become violent and try to attack the exorcist during the exercise."
"When it happens that way, the victims are tied with a rope and sometimes chained to chairs to keep them calm."

Oh, those naughty demons all have such bad attitudes. Putting beautiful women in a trance and then making them become violent. (Sarcasm alert) I've seen this happen when women have had their significant other tell her they were married, leaving them for another person or they just learn that someone posted nude photos of them on the web. I guess the exorcist forgot to mention those details. If the beautiful women are tied with a rope or chained to chairs to keep them calm, I wonder if this is by necessity or by choice. Maybe we don't want to know.

However, Mallam Mohammad, another exorcist believes that caning victims during exorcism gets the jinns out more quickly.
"The victims, at that moment, do not feel the pain. The jinns are the ones who feel the pain and it is at this moment, together with the Quranic recitation, that they flee," Mohammad said.

Wow, caning possessed beautiful women during an exorcism. Who knew that is how it was done? I wonder if the beautiful women are wearing leather during this part of the exorcism? Maybe the possessed beautiful women who are wearing leather must then spank the exorcist? She tells them they've been bad boys, and they need discipline. I never realized an exorcism could be so kinky.

He added that the only way to prevent a demon possession is prayer, not wearing revealing clothes and bathing. Imams like Jamal-Baba and Mohammad say women possessed by jinns to talk to themselves, harm themselves and can even kill.

What is considered revealing clothing? Should the government have a warning label on all woman’s clothing considered to be revealing, that says “Warning to all beautiful women. According to Islamic exorcists, you are at a high risk of being possessed by a demon if you wear these items.” Beautiful women who talk to themselves or kill may not be possessed; someone may have said something about them gaining weight during a certain time of the month. I bet this type of confusion happens more than we realize. If a possessed woman is asked why she doesn't pray and wears revealing clothing can she tell people “the devil made me do it?”

Here is a link to the story

Beautiful Women Possessed Story

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