Monday, August 24, 2015

Actual Story: Men Volunteer To Experience The Pain of Childbirth

There are many times I'm thankful I've got male plumbing. I've always considered being able to stand in one spot and write your name in the snow a real perk. I'm a man trapped inside of a man's body. It works well for me. My male anatomy will never enable me to experience a life growing inside me. I'm okay with it. I've accepted this limitation that life has forced upon me.

My wife and I have a daughter. I can say with all honesty; I didn't envy my wife when she was pregnant. I had no desire to make myself barf when she had morning sickness. It never came into my mind to alter my hormone levels to understand what my wife was experiencing. The day our daughter was born, I in the room and helped as much as is possible for any father. I felt fortunate to have male plumbing.

I had sympathy for my wife. I tried to understand what was happening with her. My wife tells me I was sensitive. It seems in China there are a number of men who aren't satisfied to be understanding and sensitive with their pregnant wives. They want to do more. These males want to experience the pain of childbirth. With the advancements of modern technology, China has made this possible.

This is a real story. Below are excerpts of the story in bold. My valuable insights are in italics.

Labor-intensive: China hospital gives men chance to experience pain of childbirth

(Reuters) - A hospital in eastern China is offering fathers-to-be a chance to experience the pain of childbirth after several new moms complained they got little sympathy from their partners.

I'd rather have classes in on being more sympathetic to my wife. This is sort of sadistic. Either you're sensitive to your pregnant or you get to experience pain. I suppose when you have a country of over a billion people you need to discourage procreation any way possible.

Free sessions are held twice a week at Aima maternity hospital in Shandong province and about 100 men have signed up to be tortured. Most are expectant dads but there are thrill seekers too among the volunteers for "taster sessions".

(Sarcasm Alert) Why is something like making men experience the pain of childbirth free? I'd think there would be a line of men just waiting to experience pain. It's good to know this experience is not limited to expectant dads. It's also something thrill seekers find appealing.

Let's go sky diving.”
Naw, too lame.”
How about mountain climbing?”
Naw, takes too long.”
How about we go to a hospital in China and experience the pain of childbirth?”
Now you're talking! Let's book our flights and get going.”

I love how it's not only free but offered in “taster sessions.”

For the simulations, pads attached to a device are placed above the abdomen, giving electric shocks that induce pain. The test subjects writhe in agony for up to five minutes as a nurse gradually raises the intensity on a scale of one to ten.

Some nurses save lives in the emergency room. Others assist surgeons as they perform operations. In China, they have nurses who administer electric shocks and watch men “writhe in agony for up to five minutes.”

I wonder if the nurses are dressed in leather and carry whips?. I imagine they must be addressed as “Mistress nurse, giver of male childbirth pain.”

Song Siling, who is trying for a baby with his girlfriend, shut his eyes and grimaced as the needle on the electrode monitor inched forward with a beep.
"It felt like my heart and lungs were being ripped apart," said Song, who made it to level seven before frantically waving to the nurse to turn off the system. Others dropped out within minutes when they couldn't take the pain.

I think this guy should've been given pain just for having the first name of “Song.” I bet that many dropped out withing minutes because they couldn't take the pain. They fail to mention the guys who refused.

Are you going to experience the pain of childbirth for me?”
Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? Have your wacky hormone levels caused you to lose touch with reality?”
Don't you want to experience what I'll experience when our child is born?”
You're going to have a c-section.”
So what? I still want to see you writhe in agony for up to five minutes. It'd make a great video for our children when they're gown up.”

Despite their obvious discomfort, the on-duty nurse said the simulations could never match the torment of actual childbirth.
"Still, if men can experience this pain, then they'll be more loving and caring to their wives," said Lou Dezhu.

Oh, it's good to know that no matter how much you writhe in agony, you'll still not know what your wife experiences. I don't believe that experiencing this pain will make men more loving and caring toward their wives. I believe experiencing this pain will make men want to find a woman who doesn't want them to experience this pain.

Wu Jianlong, who braved the pain right up to level 10, says the experience radically altered his views on childbirth.
"Because all women have children and it usually takes quite a long time, I had thought of it as being something really natural, something really normal that they can get through," he said.

If I could meet this guy, I would say “Jianlong, buddy, longmeister, love the name. Hey, guess what? Childbirth is something women were designed to experience. It is normal and natural. People have been doing it for thousands of years. Guess what's not natural? Men who want to writhe in agony to alleviate guilt over their wife giving birth. This is unnatural. Men aren't designed to deliver babies. This is the way it has been for centuries. No matter how many men feel guilt and voluntary writhe in agony, this won't change nature. If science designs a way for men to sprout ovaries, I'll let you know.”

Wu, whose wife is three months pregnant, yelled in pain and clenched his fists before giving in and begging the nurse to stop - he had reached the maximum limit by then.
Unlike in the West, Chinese men are often not in the room when their partners or wives give birth. Some state-run hospitals do not allow expectant dads to enter, even if they want to.

So here's the logic in this situation. If I can't be in the room when my wife gives birth, I'll just torture myself so I understand (Sarcasm Alert) Should someone want me to experience the pain of childbirth, I'd like to experience an epidural. If sitting on a hospital bed with my legs in stirrups while being numb from the waist down will make me closer to my wife, why not?” Give me a beer, put some sports on the television and we have a deal.

Story of men experiencing childbirth

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