Monday, April 27, 2015

Interview Series: Piggy The Cat

I have a special guest today for our ReadMikeNow interview series. It is the well-known and loved Piggy the cat. This feline has a large following on YouTube. Piggy's human Matt has a very popular channel about the claw machine on YouTube.

So, Piggy let's start at the beginning. Did you always want to grow up and become a media sensation?

Well, Mike, let me start off by saying thank you for having me on your show, er, I mean, blog. The answer to this question is absolutely! I'm an attention "hog", pun intended, so what do you think?

Why were you given the name Piggy? Is it because your human Matt provides too many treats?

First of all, there's no such thing as too many treats human! What are you saying, are you implying that I'm chunky? Let me tell you Mr. Smarty pants. This is all a hundred percent a beautiful bundle of feline talking to ya.

How did you feel when you were mentioned on Matt's YouTube channel, Matt3756?  How did you handle becoming such a huge celebrity? How does a cat handle such popularity from the human world?

At first, I didn't like it at all. What with Matt poking a camera into my face and doing stupid things to make other humans laugh. Then when I began getting letters, drawings, and gifts in the mail, I realized, hey, this isn't too bad after all.

Was there an experience with a YouTube fan that stands out in your mind?

Well, not one in particular. They're all pretty special.

How did the book “Piggy” happen? Was it a result of your YouTube fame?

Yep! Matt's mom, my Grandma Karen had an idea to give back to the fans a fun story of the kind of adventures I might like to have if I could. So Piggy the book was born.

What are you doing in the picture of you on the cover of “Piggy.”

What does it look like? I'm sticking my tongue out at the world!

Do you have plans in the future for your media popularity? Is there a possible Piggy movie in the works?

I certainly hope so. It's a wonder Hollywood isn't knocking on my door already. Move over Grumpy Cat 'cause this Piggy's the new cat on the block, the new Puss sensation, the new cat's meow.

Is there any truth to the rumor you may have a problem with catnip? I'm sure your fans are worried that you could go the way of Morris the cat and end up in catnip rehab. I bet you've been invited to more than one celebrity feline party where catnip flows freely all night.

Mike, we party all the time in the Facebook cat community. I've been invited to several online parties where the nip flows freely. There is absolutely no truth to this rumor, however.

What would you like your many adoring fans to know about you?

Well, something many of them don't realize is that I'm a vampire cat. I stalk at night and sleep all day. Food is much easier to jack when the human is fast asleep.


The book “Piggy” was written by Karen Malena.  She is a very good friend of mine. We went to high school together and that was a few days ago. “Piggy “isn't her only book. I suggest you check out her other published works. “Piggy” can be purchased on Amazon and is very highly rated. I recommend it.

What would you like the readers to know?

On a more serious note, Mike, I'd like readers to know that my book is not only humorous and fun but also presents good morals and friendship values. A lot of heart and thought went into this story and for those who have read it already, they really like it and are already clamoring for the sequel.

Thank you again, Mike, for having me on your blog today!

Is this quality entertainment or what?

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  1. Many thanks to you my friend!! And of course Piggy thanks you as well!!

  2. Here's the link to the book on Amazon:
