Monday, November 25, 2013

No Impact (Delusional Liberal) Man

There are many times when people who know me will throw something written, produced or created by someone espousing a liberal point of view.  They often toss these things at me then run and hide.  They watch from a distance and try not to laugh as they know I usually have a very negative response.

Recently someone tossed a DVD with the title “No Impact Man” and issued me a challenge to watch it.  As I put it into my DVD player I could see people all around my house hiding behind trees and shrubs.  They were chuckling and trying not to laugh.  There was a minute I felt I was surrounded by munchkins in the land of OZ.

For those of you who don’t know it “No Impact Man” is a 2009 documentary based on a year-long project conducted by a very delusional liberal named Conlin Beavan who lives in New York City.  In 2010 Mr. Beavan released a book about his experience called. “No Impact Man: The Adventures of a Guilty Liberal Who Attempts to Save the Planet, and the Discoveries He Makes About Himself and Our Way of Life in the Process.” (Do Da, Do Da Do Da…I find the title a bit long)

I don’t think Mr. Beavan intended for this to be a comedy but to me it was hilarious.  I just couldn’t take it serious.

In the documentary Mr. Beavan is married with a wife who has a job as a writer.  She appears to be a very pleasant person who seems to enjoy the latest fashions.  It seems that New York City life is her comfort level.  During the documentary she does cringe at the sight of worms and crabs in the sand.  Joining her husband for this experience says many good things about her.  Nothing good about her ability to see this for what it is, but she appears to be a fine person.  Their daughter is adorable.

During the documentary our man Beavan attempts to lower his impact on the planet.  One of the things he and his family do is to give up using toilet paper.  He justifies this by believing it will save cutting down trees.  I laughed to a point where my stomach hurt.  Liberals are such silly people.

I would like to take Mr. Beavan and all liberals who think this way and put them in a room.  I would have two pictures on the wall.  One picture would be of a tree and the other of a tomato plant.  I would try and explain that these are both plants.  They’re both renewable resources.  When we use them, we simply plant seeds and make more.  There is no need to cease the use of toilet paper.  Feel free to have the cleanest butts possible as we can just grow more trees to support the use of toilet paper.

My fear is that a liberal with more tattoos than bare skin and piercings in places that would embarrass a hooker would see things a bit different.

“Whoa, dude, like you’re saying we gotta save the tomato plant.  I guess it’s up to us to save tomato plants for the world.”

I’d scream “No, you weak-minded, emotionally-needy idiot.  We can continue to grow trees and tomatoes just like it has been done for centuries.”

Then after blank looks they’d start to organize protests to save the tomato.  They’d create bogus studies to prove the extinction of the tomato plant is inevitable unless consumption is reduced.  Politicians would introduce bills to provide subsidies for anyone who didn’t use tomato plants.  Italian restaurants would be encouraged to find alternate sources for the use of tomatoes.  Weak-minded, emotionally-needy environmental idiots would protest by occupying tomato fields.

Like all liberals when Conlin Beavan does something for the environment his efforts cannot go unnoticed.  His quest to reduce his impact on the planet was written about in the New York Times.  He was on national morning shows, late night shows and got other forms of media attention.  (Sarcasm Alert) The mere fact that he was writing a book and had a documentary about it to promote meant nothing.  Simply because he was writing a blog shouldn’t even be considered.  He only, ah, did it, to ah, save the planet, yeah, that’s the ticket.

During the documentary we get to see him have an indoor compost in a box complete with worms.  This makes Mr. Beavan’s wife uncomfortable, but excites his young daughter.  It reminded me of a fifth grader proud of a science project.  He cuts off his electricity and starts living with candles.  This is done during a party with cameras recording it.  He’s depressed about the loss of electricity until he hooks up solar power to run his computer.  We see him and his wife discuss having another child.  We get to watch them bicycle around New York City and wash their clothes in the bathtub.

Is it possible that New York City resident Mr. Beavan would ever cheat on his quest for no impact on the planet?  I don’t think he’d do it during the time a camera was recording him.

This is the type of stuff that appeals to the weak-minded, emotionally-needy liberal types who are not able to comprehend reality.  These people need a cause to make themselves feel important and what is a more noble cause than trying to save the planet?  It’s too bad that global warming has proven to be bogus, we can grow trees and most people don’t pay attention to enviro-liberal types.  I wasn’t upset by the documentary as much as I was humored by it.  I think Mr. Beavan knows what he believes, but that’s all he knows.  

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