Sunday, July 14, 2013

Humble Catholic Cars R Us

The Catholic Church has many problems today.  There is declining membership around the world, pedophile priests and more.  It’s a good thing that the Pope would take time out of his busy schedule and speak with young trainee priests and nuns.  I’m sure many topics were covered, but the one that Reuters news agency reported on concerned cars.  It appears the Pope has issues with priests and nuns driving nice cars.

The Pope is quoted in the Reuters news story as saying “It hurts me when I see a priest or a nun with the latest model car, you can't do this.”

I never would have guessed the head of the Catholic Church would have an emotional response to vehicles driven my members of the clergy.

“Don’t drive that Mercedes, the Holy Father will be very hurt.”
“How about I use my Audi?”
“He will be depressed.”
“How about my pick-up truck?”
“He will ashamed.”
“My Hybrid?”
“He’ll be okay with it if it’s used, dented and has over 100,000 miles on it.”

The Reuter’s story provides another quote from the Pope.
"A car is necessary to do a lot of work, but please, choose a more humble one. If you like the fancy one, just think about how many children are dying of hunger in the world," he said.

You would think the places that sell cars would seize this marketing opportunity.  I think people should consider changing the name of their business to something like “Humble Holy Cars.”  They could have offered a line of Pope approved humble holy cars for all the driving needs of nuns and priests.”

Can you just see a man with a thick moustache and comb over hair walking among the cars in a car lot?  He’s wearing a brightly checkered sports coat and has on dark pants.  When he sees some members of the clergy looking at cars he immediately goes over to them.

“Aye, whatcha lookin’ for?  We got us some of the most humble cars known to man in this lot.  Just look around and all you see is humbleness everywhere.”
“If we don’t buy a humble car, the Pope will be hurt.”
“I know just what you’re saying.  If I don’t sell a car my boss is hurt.  So which of these humble beauties do you want to try?”
“What would you suggest?”
“How about this BMW?  It was once driven to see the Pope speak on a TV screen at a stadium.” 
“If we buy that car we’ll always be thinking of children dying of hunger around the world.”
“If you don’t buy it, you can think about my starving children dying of hunger around the world.”
“We’ll take it.”

The Reuters story concludes “The ANSA news agency said the pope's car of choice for moving around the walled Vatican City was a compact Ford Focus.”

(Sarcasm Alert) Going forward Ford will refer to the Ford Focus as the car made humble by the Pope.

I can honestly say that a professional news agency should have more to do with the Pope than publishing stories about vehicle preferences.  I don’t know what’s worse.  That the story was published or that I read it and commented on it.

Reuters News Story

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