Thursday, March 22, 2012

Voting Has Gone To The Dogs

There are many politicians who go absolutely ballistic at the mere mention of requiring photo identification to make certain a person who registers to vote meets the requirements.  (Sarcasm alert) If photo Identification were required for voter registration I’m sure that would be viewed as unfair to all the dead voters that have been an important part of many elections is such places as Chicago and New Jersey.  Why should you not be permitted to vote simply because you’re dead?  It’s not your fault you’re dead and if it is so what?  A lot of dead people’s estates pay taxes.  Now a man in New Mexico was able to register his dog to vote.   As usual, my priceless insights are in italics.

An Albuquerque Man Says He Successfully Registered His Dog To Vote In Bernalillo County.

Is this the start of the animal suffrage movement?  Is PETA now going to claim animals have a civil right to vote?  I would not be surprised if they’re thinking about it right now.

The dog owner said he saw a voter registration booth on the University of New Mexico's campus a few weeks ago and decided to see how easy it would be to register his dog to vote.

I’m sure his dog was very interested in this social experiment.  During this time the dog was probably busy cleaning himself or looking for some dog butt to sniff.  You must wonder about the quality of life for an individual who has nothing better to do with his time.

He said he was trying to expose the problems with the registration system.  He said he just received the dog's voter registration card in the mail Wednesday and it was way too easy.

(Sarcasm Alert) Yeah, if dogs want to vote we need to make it way more difficult. Just keep it easy for illegal aliens and convicted felons.  I say we offer free neutering for all pets that vote liberal and make it mandatory for their liberal owners.  Then we’d see how badly they want to vote.

"They should verify.  Somebody should have verified this information and somebody should have come out and taken a look at exactly who it was.  But I made up a birth date, and I made up a social security number and I had a voter registration card in my hand for Buddy two weeks later," the dog owner said.

I wonder if the dog also received a green card, SSI check and invitation to the white house.  At the very least his doggy contraception is probably now paid for by the government.

KOB Eyewitness News 4 contacted the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office.  They said state law does not require proof of your social, your date of birth, or even your name.  But they said what this man did is voter fraud.

Really?  Let us cover our eyes with sunglasses least we are blinded by the brilliance of those at the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office (BCCO).  The person or persons there at the BCCO who possess an IQ that does not begin with a decimal point must realize what this man did is not only voter fraud but an illustration of a system for voter registration that permits animals to become registered voters.  They might want to think about that.  I’m certain there are dead people all over the country saying “What problem?  There’s no problem here”.  I wonder if dead pets are permitted to register to vote.

They also said they strictly look over all the applications that come from third-party registration agencies before sending out registration cards.  But this time, Buddy the dog made it through the system.

This time?  I hate to say it but I have a hunch there have been many other times people not qualified to vote may have gotten registered.  I may be a bit cynical but I think we need a system of verifying voting eligibility that is more than “strictly” looking over applications. 

"We're going to have a lot of people that are registered to vote that shouldn't be able to vote," the dog owner said.

Do you think so?  I bet seeing a line of people with their pets outside of a voting precinct just might be a tip-off.  Next thing you know there will be an amendment on a ballot to ban doggy butt sniffing in public.  The pro butt sniffers and the anti-butt sniffers will have a serious debate.

He said he has no intention of voting under Buddy's name.

What a relief!  I’m more concerned with the guy who registered his Burmese Python to vote.  I’d wait until his snake was finished.  There was a time when voting was considered a privilege.  When I got to vote for the first time I was excited.  Photo identification would be a good start to straightening this out.  Like a wise man once told me “It’s always easy to show people the truth, it’s just difficult to make them see it.”

Here is a link to the article.

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